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Acute Care Edinburgh
Usher Institute
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World class research
World class research
New funding to help understand how Covid-19 affects the most vulnerable
The COVID-19 Research Group
Multimorbidity and Emergency Healthcare Provision: Improving Care through Data Driven Innovation
Diagnostic accuracy study of a MALDI-MS biomarker of acute kidney injury after fractured neck of femur surgery.
Maternal critical care: identifying at-risk women and understanding the short and long term consequences of critical illness.
Does activation of the endothelin system promote the transition of acute kidney injury to chronic kidney disease?
Lectures and events
Lectures and events
Why we love evidence but hate evidence based guidelines
Lecture recordings
Lecture recordings
Optimizing the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism
Understanding why trials in critical care work (or not): the role of process evaluation
Alcohol-related liver disease in the ICU: using data to inform decision-making
Blood transfusion in acute care: are we ready for personalised medicine?
Improving the care of patients with organophosphorus insecticide self-poisoning
A novel diagnostic for pneumonia-the challenges of developing diagnostic tests into practice
KidsBrainIT & IMPACT-ACE: Panning the data stream for gold
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Member profiles A-Z
World class research
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New funding to help understand how Covid-19 affects the most vulnerable
The COVID-19 Research Group
Multimorbidity and Emergency Healthcare Provision: Improving Care through Data Driven Innovation
Diagnostic accuracy study of a MALDI-MS biomarker of acute kidney injury after fractured neck of femur surgery.
Maternal critical care: identifying at-risk women and understanding the short and long term consequences of critical illness.
Does activation of the endothelin system promote the transition of acute kidney injury to chronic kidney disease?
Lectures and events
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Why we love evidence but hate evidence based guidelines
Lecture recordings
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Optimizing the diagnosis of acute pulmonary embolism
Understanding why trials in critical care work (or not): the role of process evaluation
Alcohol-related liver disease in the ICU: using data to inform decision-making
Blood transfusion in acute care: are we ready for personalised medicine?
Improving the care of patients with organophosphorus insecticide self-poisoning
A novel diagnostic for pneumonia-the challenges of developing diagnostic tests into practice
KidsBrainIT & IMPACT-ACE: Panning the data stream for gold
ACE Twitter
Usher Institute
Acute Care Edinburgh
ACE PURE Profiles
Professor Eddie Clutton
Professor Eddie Clutton
Professor Eddie Clutton PURE Profile
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