The Long Covid Project

NHS Lothian and Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland (CHSS) have partnered to launch a new Long Covid Project, Summer 2022. The project aims to improve the quality of life for those diagnosed with Long Covid by providing an enhanced pathway for those who have experienced a period under the care of Pulmonary Rehabilitation or General Practice.


The Long Covid Project logo, three smart phones showing app

The project is currently in a piloting phase, with Long Covid patients from a selected 22 General Practices across Lothian, being referred onto the pilot. The pilot provides a combination of digitally enabled support, and 1:1 support from an advice line practitioner, to help patients manage symptoms, such as fatigue, breathlessness, pacing and anxiety, caused by Long Covid.

The support is provided through an App or web-based digital platform called Tailored Talks, where patients receive personalised health information before being offered 1-12 weeks support from a CHSS advice line practitioner.

Tailored Talks is a secure web platform where patients receive "pick and mix" presentations from a comprehensive slide library populated with medical information. This platform can be accessed through an App or is available through an internet browser.

The patients are invited to complete a self-assessment questionnaire on the digital platform. They have the option to complete up to 9 questions on areas where they are experiencing difficulties. Once the self-assessment questionnaire is completed, they will automatically be sent out relevant Tailored Talks. Following receipt of the Tailored Talks, they are offered the opportunity to receive support from a Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland Health Practitioner.

The CHSS intervention is delivered through a course of telephone calls for up to 12 weeks. A person-centred approach, offers a flexible service delivery model adapted to the patient's need.

The care is delivered through a series of telephone consultations focusing on the physiological recovery, psychological and social adjustment to the reality of living with Long Covid. A case management approach is used for those people who are directly referred and who have a diagnosis of Long Covid.


Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland