17 November 2020, 7pm Image Create (re)combinations of human, robotic and animal bodies via the art of collage Human, robotic, mechanical, and animal bodies are being re-made through new technologies and changing societies. Collage is an art form that takes existing materials and recombines them in new ways. This digital collage making workshop brings these two ideas together and invites you to explore the changing nature of bodies through making a collage of your own. Experts in the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, of nature and technology in the reproductive body, and of post-gender and post-human bodies will introduce you to these topics and explore with you examples of bodies of the future. We will support you to create your own collage using either physical materials or an online mechanism. We welcome everyone who loves to create or craft, alongside those interested in finding out more about new technologies, gender formations, and relationships with the ‘natural’ world. TICKETS Image Publication date 01 Oct, 2020