Steve Sturdy

Professor of the Sociology of Medical Knowledge


Photo of Steve Sturdy

Steve Sturdy is a Professor of the Sociology of Medical Knowledge at CBSS. After his first degree in biology and an MSc in philosophy of science, he found his vocation with a PhD in history and sociology of science.

Steve's research has ranged broadly across the development of the biomedical sciences and medical practice from the mid-nineteenth century to the present. Much of his career has been spent at the University of Edinburgh, where he has also served as Head of Science, Technology and Innovation Studies, as Deputy Director of the ESRC Genomics Policy and Research Forum, and now as Co-Director of CBSS.


  • Making genomic medicine: from clinical genetics to biomedical industry 

  • Patents and commons: intellectual property in the development of genomics

  • Understanding value in the context of healthcare: a sociological perspective 


  • BSc, History of Western Medicine, Lecturer