29th June 2023 - 12pm - Jake Lever

Title: Building knowledge bases for precision medicine using text mining

Abstract: Precision medicine uses an individual’s genetics to help guide clinical decisions. Information about the impact of different genetic mutations is often locked in the text of biomedical literature. Text mining can be used to help extract this information in order to build large knowledge bases which can help in large-scale applications of precision medicine. This talk will explore methods for mining the academic research literature to find mentions of genetic variation and their clinical impact. These methods are helping scientists and biomedical curators find the research they need but still face numerous challenges due to the complexity of biomedical language & knowledge.

Speaker: Jake Lever is a lecturer in the School of Computing Science at the University of Glasgow focussed on biomedical applications of machine learning and natural language processing. He gained his Ph.D. from the University of British Columbia in Vancouver focussing on NLP applications to cancer and completed his postdoctoral research at Stanford University.