Ageing and Equality

Join two professors from the Usher Institute as they explore the challenges an ageing population has on inequalities in health and care.

Stewart Mercer – Professor of Primary Care and Multimorbidity

Bruce Guthrie – Professor of General Practice


17.15-18.30 | Inaugural lectures

18.30-19.30 | Drinks reception



Professor Stewart Mercer is Chair of Primary Care and Multimorbidity, has 30 years’ experience working as a GP, and is Deputy Director of the Advanced Care Research Centre. His work focuses on inequalities in health and in the provision of healthcare, the needs of patients with complex problems, and how health and social care systems need to adapt and respond to ageing population and widening health inequalities.

Professor Bruce Guthrie is Professor of General Practice and Director of the Advanced Care Research Centre. His main research interest is in understanding and improving the quality and safety of healthcare, particularly in people with multiple health conditions and people taking many medications.


Registration and attendance

This event is free and open to all. Please indicate any dietary or access requirements when you register to attend.

Lectures are in-person only and will not be live-streamed. Recordings of the lectures will be available after the event.