What are connected projects?

EAVE II connected projects build upon the core EAVE II study. These can be incorporated or associated and include work across the UK and beyond.   

What is core EAVE II research? 

The EAVE II study protocol defines core objectives for EAVE II. This has included building the study cohort and addressing some of the key questions tracking the COVID-9 pandemic in Scotland.  

EAVE II’s core research objectives are broad and its overarching research themes come together in a similar way to the chapters of a book to create a ‘storyline’ of key research that has been needed as the pandemic has progressed. 

EAVE II's Research Storyline

EAVE II’s research can be summarised under the following themes: 

  • Natural History: tracking modelling and forecasting changes in the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its consequential impacts on society. 

  • Risk stratification: identifying vulnerabilities and identifying those who should be prioritised for vaccination, as well as other clinical and non-clinical interventions.

  • Vaccines: investigating uptake, efficacy and safety. 

  • Therapeutic treatments: looking at how COVID-19 related illnesses can be treated after infection 

Pregnancy, children and young people: as the initial focus for vaccine delivery has been for adults, so has EAVE II research. The above themes are all now also being repeated for these sections of the population. 

These themes come together to tell a story of the COVID-19 pandemic in Scotland and have informed key decisions that have shaped the pandemic; however, new developments (such as emerging new variants) mean that these themes have been overlapping and need to be revisited repeatedly to keep our knowledge and understanding up to date. 

Research that is part of EAVE II’s ‘core’ work can be thought of as any which: 

  • Is Scotland focused; 

  • Exclusively, or heavily, uses data from the EAVE II cohort: and  

  • Is conducted by the EAVE II core team 

Building on the core EAVE II research 

To build on the core EAVE II work, a number of incorporated and associated projects have enabled deeper insights and additional investigations. 

All incorporated and associated projects feed in to one or more of the core EAVE II research themes. These additional connected projects often have different funders. 

Incorporated Projects 

Incorporated projects fall under the working umbrella of the EAVE II study. 

These projects may have separate funding, protocols, and ethical and other approvals distinct from those originally used to outline EAVE II, but their primary objective will always be to directly build upon EAVE II’s research themes.  

Incorporated projects also: 

  • Use data from the EAVE II cohort 

  • Remain Scotland focused, at least initially, in their research 

  • Have a pool of contributors that is very similar to the core EAVE II team. 

As of April 2022, EAVE II’s Incorporated Projects include: 

Associated Projects 

Associated projects are those whose work remains connected or related to the work of EAVE II but have multiple other research objectives and/or most of their resources lie elsewhere, meaning they: 

  • Use data from the EAVE II cohort for Scotland, but also work with data from outside the EAVE II Cohort (e.g., to replicate studies across the UK)  

  • Have a wider team than that of core EAVE II, including for example, researchers across other UK nations 

  • Have separate protocols, funders and approvals but have objectives related to those in the EAVE II study protocol 

Associated projects may also: 

  • Not be solely Scotland focused, at least initially, and individual research outputs only sometimes include Scottish data 

  • Be focused on a particular subset of people (i.e. groups with various COVID-19 / vaccine vulnerabilities) 

As of April 2022, EAVE II’s Associated projects include: