Clinical Studies

RESCEU is developing a number of clinical studies across Europe.

Although numerous studies on the subject of RSV infection have been performed in the past decades, there is still a lack of knowledge about how much burden this virus causes in certain populations. We know about high risk groups for severe RSV infection, such as children who are born prematurely and children with congenital heart or lung disease. However, RSV also causes severe disease in other groups such as term born children and older adults. Because these groups have not been identified as the classic high-risk groups, less research has been addressed to target these populations. RESCEU intends to address the knowledge gaps on RSV such as medical and economic burden in healthy term infants, elderly, and those with other illnesses.

In order to better understand the burden and impact of severe RSV disease in the above-mentioned populations, RESCEU has designed 4 Clinical Studies:

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The following clinical centres are participating:

  • University Medical Center Utrecht: birth cohort, infant case-control and older adults studies.
  • University of Oxford: birth cohort, infant case-control and older adults studies.
  • Servicio Galego de Saúde: birth cohort and infant case-control study.
  • Turku University Hospital: birth cohort study.
  • University of Antwerp: older adults study.
  • University of Edinburgh: birth cohort study.
  • Imperial College of London: Infant case-control and COPD studies.
  • University of Groningen: COPD study.