
Current and recent projects within the Telescot programme

People with COVID-19 are at risk of relatively sudden deterioration in the first two weeks of the illness. Telescot are working with Scottish Government Technology Enabled Care (TEC) to develop a telemonitoring system for following up people with COVID-19 at risk of deterioration using pulse-oximetry.

Assessing Parkinson’s disease using speech.

Scale-Up BP is part of the Technology Enabled Care (TEC) programme funded by the Scottish Government.

Investigating the use of smartphones and wearable sensors to facilitate longitudinal monitoring.

ImplementatioN of Remote surgical wOund Assessment during the coviD-19 pandEmic (INROADE).

Feasibility of using a teleconsultation facility (Micro-Health Centre) in the management of chronic respiratory diseases in remote rural areas.

IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self-management as RouTine.

Studies that have now finished.