This a glossary of acronyms and terms related to the ACRC. There are a number of other glossaries and style guides, on the University of Edinburgh or Newcastle University websites, which can be useful to refer to. AAW = Advanced Analytics Workbench, new name for PPZ; virtual machine in the national safe haven for special projects. The Academy = The ACRC Academy for Leadership and Training in Advanced Care (PhD Programme at the ACRC) ACRC = Advanced Care Research Centre (Our research centre, focusing on improving care for people in later life). ADL = activities of daily living Advanced care = care in later life AE = Adverse Events AI = Artificial intelligence AIM-CISC = Artificial Intelligence and Multimorbidity: Clustering in Individuals, Space and Clinical Context (a 3 year research grant, funded by the NIHR) AIM RSF = AI for Multiple Long-Term Conditions Research Support Facility Algorithms = a type of computer operation made up of calculations to solve a problem AMS = Academy of Medical Sciences ASTOX = Annual Statement of Expenditure ATAS = Academic Technology Approval Scheme ARC, usually in the context of NIHR ARC = NIHR Applied Research Collaboration Bayes Centre – University of Edinburgh’s innovation hub for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence BNF = British National Formulary BRAT = web-based tool for text annotation CAHSS = College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Edinburgh CALIBER = open-access resource providing information, tools and phenotyping algorithms for UK electronic health records data CCF RMS = Central Commissioning Facility Research Management System (NIHR online portal) CCIS = Charlson Comorbidity Index Score CDO = Chief Dental Officer CDT = Centre for Doctoral Training CEQs= Course Enhancement Questionnaires CGA = Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment CHI = Community Health Index Number (10 digits, includes date of birth, gender, unique ID number) CMVM = College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine at the University of Edinburgh CMO = Chief Medical officer CNO = Chief Nursing Officer Commercial data storage = businesses who digitally store data for future use CPHS = Centre for Population Health Sciences CPRD = Clinical Practice Research Datalink; UK Gov-run anonymised primary care database CSE = College of Science and Engineering at the University of Edinburgh CSO = Chief Scientist Office CTA = Clinical Trial Authorisation CTO = Chief Technical officer DA = directly allocated DI = directly incurred DataLoch = a data service that has been developed in South East Scotland to bring together routine data in health and social care services. DDE = Data Driven Entrepreneurship DDI = Data Driven Innovation (An innovation network helping organisations tackle challenges for industry and society by doing data right) DPIA = Data Protection Impact Assessment Drivers = another word for ‘factors’ that is used to describe something that has an influence on something else DTP = Doctoral Training Programme DPT = Degree Programme Table DRPS = Degree Regulations and Programmes of Study ECA = Edinburgh College of Art at the University of Edinburgh eFI = electronic Frailty Index EI = Edinburgh Innovations ELDeR = A practical, team-based approach to learning design ELSA = English Longitudinal Survey of Ageing EMIS = Emis Health (formerly Egton Medical Information Systems), supplier of electronic patient record software. Approx 50% of GP practices use EMIS products (this feeds into the CPRD Aurum database.) EMREC = University of Edinburgh Research Ethics Committee EPCC = Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre EPSRC = Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council ERAP = electronic Research Applications Portal (CPRD) ESRC = Economic, Political and Social Research Council ESC = Extensions and special circumstances Evaluative research = a type of research which focuses on the effectiveness of a given process Frailty = a state of declining health. FSTOX = Final Statement of Expenditure GP = General practitioner H&SC = Health and social care HES – Hospital Episode Statistics - data warehouse with details of all admissions, outpatient appointments and A&E attendances at NHS hospitals in England HSCP = Health and social care partnership HDR UK = Health Data Research UK (Working to unite the UK’s health data to enable discoveries that improve people’s lives.) HIC = Health Informatics Centre HiSS = Health in Social Science HSS = School of Health in Social Science at the University of Edinburgh HWL = Healthier Working Lives for the care workforce ICD e.g. ICD-10 = International Classification of Diseases e.g. ICD-10 (tenth revision) IHTSDO = International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation (trades as SNOMED) IGC = Institute of Genetics and Cancer Integrated care = refers to the co-ordination of care into a single process often, across different departments. IoC = Images of care (research designed to capture, challenge, and change perspectives around ageing and care through images) IRAS = Integrated Research Application System - a single system for applying for the permissions and approvals for health and social care / community care research in the UK ISAC = Independent Scientific Advisory Committee JLA = James Lind Alliance (an organisation that brings patients, carers and clinicians together in Priority Setting Partnerships to identify and prioritise the Top 10 unanswered questions or evidence uncertainties that they agree are the most important.) L&G = Legal & General (our funders) LBC = Lothian Birth Cohort (a research group based in Psychology at the University of Edinburgh, aiming to understand how our brain and thinking skills change throughout life, and why some brains age better than others.) Logistic regression model = a method of statistical analysis which can result in a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer based upon observations made from collected data. LTC = long term condition Machine learning = refers to computer systems that are able to use patterns of data to learn and adapt without specific instruction. MEL = Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (framework) MGPHS = Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences MHRA = Medicines & Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency MIMIC = a publicly available dataset from MIT that comprises deidentified health data associated with thousands of intensive care unit admissions MLN = Multi-slice Networks MLTC – multiple long term conditions MM = Multimorbidity (the coexistence of two or more long-term conditions (including mental and physical) within an individual) MRC = Medical Research Council (improves the health of people in the UK - and around the world - by supporting excellent science, and training scientists.) MTA = material transfer agreement Multi-morbidity = refers to a person who may have one or more health condition at the same time. National Safe Haven = a secure environment where personal data is stored NHS = National Health Service NHSx = (NHS user eXperience) - UK Gov agency for tech policy and best practice; now merged with NHS Digital NICA = National Innovation Centre for Ageing, Newcastle University NICE = National Institute for Health and Care Excellence NIHR = National Institute for Health Research NLP = Natural language processing, the application of computational techniques to the analysis of natural language and speech e.g. using computational methods to better understand free text in general practice records. ORDO = Orphanet Rare Disease Ontology PBPP = Public Benefit and Privacy Panel (NHS Scotland Public Benefit and Privacy Panel for Health and Social Care) PDRA = Postdoctoral research associate PG = Postgraduate (having completed a degree) PGR = Postgraduate Research(ers) PGT = Post Graduate (Taught) - an MSc, or PhD with a taught component PhD = Doctor of philosophy (typically the highest level of educational attainment) PHS = Public Health Scotland, Scotland’s lead national agency for improving and protecting the health and wellbeing of all of Scotland’s people PMO = Programme Management Office PPIE = Patient and public involvement and engagement PPLS = School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences at the University of Edinburgh PPZ = Private Project Zone; used in Dataloch Predictive strategy = a form of advanced analysis based on the use of historical data to predict future events PROSPERO = International prospective register of systematic reviews PRU, usually in the context of NIHR PRU = Policy Research Unit Radio frequency = a measurement of electromagnetic waves used a mostly as a form of communication. RCT = Randomised Control Trials Routine data = refers to the repeated collection of data information. RUPICs = Researchers Understanding the Person In Context SAE = Serious Adverse Effects SAIL = Secure Anonymised Information Linkage database (providing researchers with high-quality linkable data to address important research questions) SES = Socioeconomic status Sensors = defined as a device which identifies and responds to changes in an environment. SIGN = Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network SLS = Scottish Longitudinal Study SMR00 = Scottish Morbidity Record 00 – Outpatient attendance SMR01 = Scottish Morbidity Record 01 – General/Acute Inpatient and Day Case SMR02 = Scottish Morbidity Record 02 – Maternity Inpatient and Day Case SNOMED = Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine SoECAT = Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Template SPsS = Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) SPS/SSPS = School of Social and Political Science T&Ds = Tutors and Demonstrators Telemonitoring = a type of technology that may be used to remotely monitor patient health. Telescot = A programme of academic research investigating telemetric supported self monitoring of long term health conditions. UG = undergraduate UHPI = system allocated unique reference number for Trak UI = urinary incontinence UKRI = UK Research and Innovation (convenes, catalyses and invests in close collaboration with others to build a thriving, inclusive research and innovation system) UMLS = Unified Medical Language System UPRN = Unique Property Reference Number UoE = University of Edinburgh VOICE = a platform for citizens across the UK and internationally, to support PPIE, based at NICA WP = Work package WP3 = Work Package 3: Improving the data infrastructure WP4 = Work Package 4:Understanding the person in context WP5 = Work Package 5: Data driven insight and prediction WP6 = Work Package 6: Technology of care WP7 = Work Package 7: Models of care WT = Wellcome Trust (a charitable foundation focused on health research based in London) 10k Steps = Beyond the 10 000 steps: Managing less visible aspects of healthy ageing at work This article was published on 2024-09-24