NIHR Evidence Synthesis Scotland InitiativE (NESSIE)

The ACRC is a participating group within NESSIE.

Individuals and groups from across Usher have combined forces with other institutions to form NESSIE (NIHR Evidence Synthesis Scotland InitiativE), one of nine evidence synthesis groups funded by the NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme. 

Participating Usher groups include people from Cochrane Vascular, Cochrane Stroke, UNCOVER, Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit and the Advanced Care Research Centre. 

NESSIE also benefits from co-working with Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Stirling, University of Newcastle upon Tyne and patient representatives, thereby combining methodological evidence synthesis and patient and public involvement expertise across multiple institutions, as well as covering a wide range of topics relevant to both health, public health and social care.

NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme

The NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme will provide NESSIE with £2.5 million funding over a period of five years to deliver a range of evidence synthesis products which will address knowledge gaps or answer a specific evidence need for healthcare, public health and social care. The programme will also allow the critical appraisal of research methods, identification of research gaps and prioritisation of studies to fill these gaps.

Find out more about NESSIE

Find out more about the NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme

Visit their website, here.