Are you over 60 living in Edinburgh? Are you interested in how technology may offer support within your home? We're excited about an innovative study on daily living for people over 60. This novel research explores how new technology can help in your everyday life while respecting your privacy and independence. Would you like to participate? In this study, we will be using small, unobtrusive sensors placed strategically throughout your home to collect information about your daily activities. These sensors, which include cameras, magnets, and radiofrequency devices capture different actions in your daily routines and habits. For example, opening a door, sitting on a sofa. There will be no collection of personal data, e.g., no videos/images will be recorded. Age-related changes in breathing, movement, and hydration can negatively affect the activities of daily living in the ageing population. This research project aims at developing systems that will be useful in accurately detecting and monitoring various health parameters remotely. The data collected during the research will be used to devise various algorithms that can help in the detection, calibration, and quantification of abnormal patterns related to breathing, movement, hydration and temperature. This will lead to the early detection abnormal events that will be used to provide timely care interventions that allows people to manage existing underlying conditions and enhance independence. The sensors will be placed in various locations around your home using tape or similar means, so that it will be easy to remove them later after the completion of the study. You can choose the type of sensors you're comfortable with. We exclude private areas such as the bathroom, bedroom, and toileting areas, to ensure your privacy is always respected. You won't need to interact with the sensors at all – they'll be connected to a small box without wires or with very small wires. The sensors will be placed so they don’t affect your activities in any way. We will ask you to keep a brief paper record of your daily activities, such as cooking or watching TV. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you can leave the study at any time. You can find out more about the project, including more detailed information, images of some of the sensors, and meet the team, by clicking here. If you are interested in learning more or volunteering for this study, please contact us by email: or by telephone: 0131 651 9959. Or you can sign up here: Register here We will be happy to provide you with additional information and answer any questions you may have. We hope to hear from you soon! Publication date 27 May, 2024