ACRC PhD researcher Dr Clare MacRae has taken her research on the road. The MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow has recently returned from a very rewarding second centre placement as a visiting researcher at the Karolinska Institute (KI) in Stockholm, Sweden. During her stay, she joined Associate Professor Karin Modig and her team, gaining hands-on experience of working with Swedish register data and remains an affiliated researcher at KI. Clare’s PhD explores the impact of household context on patient outcomes, and during the visit she has replicated one of her UK based studies in the Swedish population. Highlights of her trip included learning about Swedish data infrastructure and primary care delivery, applying her research skills in an international context, and making new friends over Fika!” ---------- Image On her return, Clare was off to the NAPCRG (North American Primary Care Research Group) Annual Conference in San Francisco. While there, she gave three separate presentations on completed research: Impact of data source choice on multimorbidity measurement: a comparison study of 2.3 million individuals in the Welsh National Health Service Age, sex, and socioeconomic differences in multimorbidity measured in four ways: UK primary care cross-sectional analysis The impact of varying the number and selection of conditions on estimated multimorbidity prevalence: A cross-sectional study using a large, primary care population dataset We are pleased to have been able to support Dr MacRae for these opportunities, offering positive experiences. Publication date 07 Nov, 2023