The Croatia-VIS, Croatia-KORCULA and Croatia-SPLIT cohorts are genetic epidemiology studies set up with aim to contribute to the discovery of genetic factors influencing complex traits. Research team Professor Igor Rudan Professor Jim Wilson Professor Harry Campbell Professor Caroline Hayward Dr Ozren Polasek Funder MRC Human Genetics Unit quinquennial funding over 20 years. More information CROATIA-Vis is a family-based, cross-sectional study in the isolated island of Vis, Croatia that included 1,056 examinees aged 18-93. It is a genetic epidemiology study that aims to discover genetic factors that influence traits (e.g. height) or the risk of common complex diseases. The cohort is very well characterised with detailed phenotyping and genotyping information available. Associated studies are CROATIA-Korcula study, a family-based, cross-sectional study in the isolated island of Korcula, Croatia and CROATIA-Split study which is a population-based cross-sectional study in Split, Croatia. These studies have contributed to the discovery of hundreds of new gene associations over the past few years. This article was published on 2024-09-24