We are a group of health care, public health and social care researchers collaborating to produce timely, high quality and impactful evidence syntheses applicable to end users across all four nations of the UK. Leadership Our leadership team includes investigators from the University of Edinburgh, the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Research Unit (NMAHP-RU) at Glasgow Caledonian University, the University of Stirling, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, and patient representatives. Partners We combine methodological, topic and patient and public involvement (PPI) expertise from a number of evidence synthesis teams and PPI groups co-located within our partner institutions, with strong, established links to wider networks of experts and end-users of evidence from across the UK. Collaborators Our collaborators bring their knowledge of areas directly relevant to our evidence synthesis projects and also facilitate access to wider networks of topic experts across health and social care, expanding our health and social care policy expertise and consolidating our experience of working with stakeholders across all four nations of the UK. Systematic review team Our core team includes researchers from the University of Edinburgh and Glasgow Caledonian University. This article was published on 2024-09-24