Systematic review team

Our core team includes researchers from the University of Edinburgh and Glasgow Caledonian University.

Cathryn is a systematic reviewer with experience in Cochrane review methodology including risk of bias assessment, data extraction, analysis and management, and quality of evidence assessment. She is also interested in knowledge translation and communicating complex findings in a useful way. 

Find out more about Cathryn on their profile page.

Photo of Cathryn

Julie is a Senior Research Fellow in the Yunus Centre of Social Business and Health, Glasgow Caledonian University. She has a background in health service design with particular focus on implementation and sustainability of complex interventions.  Julie is also an experienced systematic reviewer and has been involved in a number of reviews exploring evidence around barriers and facilitators to intervention success, acceptability and sustainability.  

Find out more about Julie on their profile page.

Photo of Julie

Bridget is a research fellow at Glasgow Caledonian University. Her research interest has focussed mainly on stroke and Patient and Public Involvement within research (PPI). She now works as a reviewer within the NESSIE team which addresses a wide range of health and social care topics. PPI is central to this work.

Find out more about Bridget on their profile page.

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Candida has 15 years experience designing and running searches for systematic reviews and evidence syntheses in clinical and social sciences. She has held posts as Information Specialist with Cochrane Vascular at the University of Edinburgh, and with Cochrane Dementia and Cognitive Improvement Group at the University of Oxford. Candida previously worked as Information Scientist with the Medical Research Council Social and Public Health Sciences Unit at the University of Glasgow.

Find out more about Candida's publications on Google Scholar.

Photo of Candida

Ceri is a researcher at the School of Health and Life Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University with experience in systematic reviewing. She has a background in quantitative research into physical activity and women’s health. She has strong skills in statistics and data analysis.

Find out more about Ceri on their profile page.

Katie's research expertise lies in mixed methods research, evidence synthesis and stroke rehabilitation. Katie is one of the Evidence Synthesis Group’s systematic reviewers and will contribute to all aspects of review conduct with a focus on dissemination.

Find out more about Katie on their profile page.

Photo of Katie

Wei is a Research Fellow at the Usher Institute, the University of Edinburgh. Wei studied Medicine at The First Military Medical University, China, and has a Master of Public Health and a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Edinburgh, UK. She has research experience in evidence synthesis (rapid review, systematic review, meta-analysis, and umbrella review), prediction modelling, and genetic molecular epidemiology (Genome-wide Association Study, Phenome-wide Association Study, and Mendelian Randomization Study). Wei will contribute to all aspects of NESSIE reviews, including knowledge translation.

Find out more about Wei on their Orcid page.

Photo of Wei