Our leadership team includes investigators from the University of Edinburgh, the Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions Research Unit (NMAHP-RU) at Glasgow Caledonian University, the University of Stirling, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, and patient representatives. Professor Jackie Price Jackie is Professor of Molecular Epidemiology, honorary consultant in Public Health, and Deputy Director at the Usher Institute. Her research expertise lies in epidemiology, critical appraisal, public health and evidence synthesis. She is co-lead with overall responsibility for the Evidence Synthesis Group programme delivery and quality of outputs. She also provides epidemiological and public health expertise for individual evidence syntheses, strong links to clinical healthcare and public health networks throughout the UK.Find out more about Jackie on their profile page. Image Professor Alex Todhunter-Brown Alex Todhunter-Brown (formerly Pollock) is Professor of Evidence Synthesis in the Nursing Midwifery and Allied Health Professions (NMAHP) Research Unit based at Glasgow Caledonian University. She is co-lead with shared responsibility for the Evidence Synthesis Group programme delivery and quality of outputs. She has a background in conduct of systematic reviews of complex healthcare topics, was previously co-ordinating editor of Cochrane Stroke and now co-leads the new Cochrane Heart, Stroke and Circulation thematic group. She also provides expertise in patient and public involvement (PPI) in systematic reviews, overseeing the PPI within the Evidence Synthesis Group. Find out more about Alex on their profile page. Image Sheila Cameron Sheila is the chairperson of the NMAHP-RU Research Partnership Group. She oversees and provides expert advice relating to patient and public involvement in evidence syntheses as well as co-producing lay summaries and dissemination materials for individual projects. Image Rosie Hill Rosie brings knowledge of health policy (including how the NHS functions from a central level), incoming new legislative changes and what this means for collaborative care pathways, and critical analytical skills to ensure research will benefit patients. She also oversees and provides expert advice and networking relating to patient and public involvement, as well as co-producing lay summaries and dissemination materials. Image Dr Sarah Markham Sarah is an academic mathematician and long-term patient. She has been working on a Living Systematic Review at McGill University Canada since April 2020. She is keen to support improvement in methodology and the use of patient data. Image Dr Marlene Stewart Marlene is the project manager for NESSIE. Prior to this, she was Managing Editor for Cochrane Vascular for 13 years. She has a background in clinical trials and previously worked as a research fellow and trial coordinator on a large Scottish clinical trial investigating the effectiveness of aspirin in preventing heart disease and stroke in people with a low ankle brachial index.Find out more about Marlene on their profile page. Image Professor Emma France Emma is Associate Professor of Health Research at the University of Stirling. Her methodological expertise is in qualitative research, mixed methods research and qualitative evidence synthesis, including the complex meta-ethnography method. Her topic expertise focuses on children, families and long-term health conditions. She is a co-convenor of the Cochrane Qualitative Implementation and Methods Group and is a co-author and associate editor of the new Cochrane and Campbell Qualitative Evidence Synthesis Handbook. As co-investigator in NESSIE, she contributes methodological expertise in qualitative evidence synthesis and mixed methods systematic reviews.Find out more about Emma on their profile page. Image Ms Aileen Neilson Aileen is a senior health economist within the Usher Institute and the Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit at the University of Edinburgh. Her specific methodological expertise includes evidence synthesis in the context of economic evaluation of health and social care and public health interventions, and she has wide experience of evidence synthesis for HTA in the UK and other European healthcare systems. As co-investigator in NESSIE she contributes expertise in methods to critically appraise and synthesise the health economics evidence base, including summarising evidence from published economic evaluation studies and synthesising/combining health economic evidence (e.g. in terms of relevant costs and outcomes) from different sources to help inform economic evaluations/cost-effectiveness models of health care interventions.Find out more about Aileen on their profile page. Mrs Catriona Keerie Catriona is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh and Assistant Statistical Director of Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit. She has over 25 years of experience as a clinical research statistician in academia, industry and as a statistical consultant. Catriona held the role of Statistical Editor for the Cochrane Vascular Group from 2015 to 2023. Her methodological expertise includes meta-analysis, analysis of individual patient data and network meta-analysis. As a co-investigator for NESSIE, she contributes methodological expertise for all statistical aspects of the programme delivery.Find out more about Catriona on their profile page. Image Dr Pauline Campbell Pauline is equity co-lead for NESSIE, working in partnership with Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group to ensure this is adequately addressed in all reviews, and contributing to methodological developments in this field. She brings extensive expertise relating to mixed methods evidence syntheses, scoping reviews, evidence gap maps, equity analysis, implementation science, data extraction and management.Find out more about Pauline on their portfolio page. Professor Gillian Mead Gillian is Professor of Stroke and Elderly Care Medicine at University of Edinburgh and Honorary Consultant Geriatrician and Stroke Physician in NHS Lothian. She has previously co-led Cochrane Stroke and has extensive experience in producing Cochrane reviews of interventions for stroke and other conditions including depression and dementia. Her own research focuses on the development and testing of new complex interventions to improve longer term problems after stroke. She is now developing a portfolio of research about multimorbidity (particularly polyvascular disease) and co-leads the new Cochrane thematic group in Heart, Stroke and Circulation. As co-investigator in NESSIE, she contributes methodological expertise in systematic reviews of complex interventions, and topic expertise in elderly care medicine and stroke. Image Professor Gerard Stansby Gerry is Professor of Vascular Surgery at the University of Newcastle and Freeman Hospital and vascular lead for the NE and North Cumbria. He was formerly joint co-ordinating editor for Cochrane Vascular and has been an active contributor to NICE guidelines. He brings expertise in surgical practice and healthcare research including evidence synthesis, clinical trials and guideline production. He provides strong links to wider UK and international clinical networks. Find out more about Gerry on their profile page. Image Professor Evropi Theodoratou Evropi is Professor of Cancer Epidemiology and Global Health at the University of Edinburgh and co-leads UNCOVER. Evropi studied Biology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, has an MSc in Medical Biology from Linköping University, Sweden and a PhD in Epidemiology from The University of Edinburgh, UK. She has 15 years of experience working as a cancer epidemiologist with a focus on genetic and molecular epidemiology and on evidence synthesis. As co-investigator in NESSIE she contributes expertise in epidemiology, public health and evidence synthesis training. Find out more about Evropi on their profile page. Image Dr Peter Matthews Peter (he/him) is a Senior Lecturer in Social Policy and Deputy Associate Dean for Research at the Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stirling. He has carried out a wide range of research on socio-economic inequalities in public service provision. He is currently leading the world’s first major study of the experience of LGBT+ people accessing social security. As co-investigator in NESSIE, he contributes expertise in social policy and social care, and networks to a larger community of social care researchers. Image This article was published on 2024-09-24