Dr Amanda Barugh, Consultant physician, NHS Lothian
Clinical care; evidence synthesis; research on delirium, cognition, stroke
Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group / Professor Peter Tugwell, Professor Vivian Welch, Dr Jennifer Petkovic
Health equity including considerations and reporting for systematic reviews; methods research relating to equity data and how to apply reviews for evidence-informed equity-oriented policy
Dr Hannah Carver, Lecturer in Substance Use and Co-Director of Salvation Army Centre for Addiction Services and Research, University of Stirling
Substance use; homelessness; peer support; PPI in complex interventions; realist approaches; qualitative methodology; mixed methods; evidence synthesis
Centre for Environment, Dementia and Ageing Research/Professor Alison Dawson, University of Stirling
60+ members; multidisciplinary research on social, built, natural and care environments for older people; co-production of evidence based outputs with UK health and social-care organisations
Professor Helen Coleman, Chair in Cancer Epidemiology, Centre for Public Health, Queen’s University, Belfast
Public health and cancer epidemiology; pre-malignant conditions; molecular epidemiology; systematic reviews of observational studies; disease prevalence and risk of progression studies; NI Cancer Registry (deputy director)
Dr Catriona Connell, Salvation Army Centre for Addiction Services and Research, University of Stirling
Improving the health and social circumstances people involved in the criminal justice system, mixed methods
Professor Bruce Guthrie, Chair of primary care; Director of ACRC, University of Edinburgh
Primary care; multi-morbidity and evidence synthesis; links with NICE and SIGN (e.g. multi-morbidity and trial applicability in guideline development); strong links with private care sector/providers e.g. Scottish Care
Dr Peter Hall, Senior Clinical Lecturer in Cancer Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Health economics; clinical expertise (cancer); research with carers; NICE (appraisal committee)
Dr Jonathan Hewitt, Clinical Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University, Honorary Consultant Physician, Aneurin Bevan Health Board, Cardiff
Evidence synthesis including systematic and Cochrane reviews; clinical gerontology; vascular disease, diabetes in the older person, stroke and hypertension; patient-reported outcomes
Prof Pat Hoddinott, Chair in Primary Care, University of Stirling
Commissioning (obstetric and maternity services, London); complex interventions; health inequalities and health behaviour; qualitative methods in RCTs; user involvement; breastfeeding and childbirth; obesity
IMPACT (Improving Adult Care Together) - funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), part of UK Research and Innovation and the Health Foundation
UK centre for implementing evidence in adult social care. Working across the four nations of the UK and with co-production at its heart, IMPACT draws on insights from research, lived experience and practice knowledge to make a difference to front-line services, and to people’s lives
UNCOVER, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh
A network of population health researchers and information specialists committed to responding to requests from policymakers for evidence reviews
Professor Steff Lewis, Chair in Medical Statistics, statistics lead for ECTU
Medical statistics; meta-analysis; Cochrane statistical methods; RCT design and data monitoring
Professor Margaret Maxwell, Director of NMHAP-RU, University of Stirling
Quality and delivery of care; primary care; long term conditions; public mental health and wellbeing; implementation/improvement science; realist evaluation
Dr Ruth McQuillan, Senior Lecturer in Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh
Training and internships in evidence synthesis; evidence synthesis; postgraduate teaching and training; NHS management; nursing
Professor Stefano Negrini, Chair in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, Milan
Evidence synthesis; knowledge translation; clinical expertise in physical and rehabilitation medicine; evidence-based rehabilitation; Cochrane (Council, Knowledge Translation Advisory Board and Fields Executive)
Professor Tessa Parkes, Chair in Substance Use and Inclusion Health, Co-Director of SACASR, University of Stirling
Substance use; homelessness; mental health; peer support; multi-morbidity; inclusion health; PPI in complex interventions; realist approaches; qualitative and mixed methods research; evidence synthesis
Dr Leonor Rodriguez, Lecturer in Psychological Research Methods, School of Health in Social Science, University of Edinburgh
Health psychology, family support, evidence synthesis, research ethics, research methods. Cancer and bereavement in children and adolescents
Dr Susan Shenkin, Reader and honorary consultant, Usher Institute University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian
Practising geriatrician; research expertise in epidemiology/ageing, including on care homes; evidence synthesis (Systematic Reviews Editor for Age and Ageing)
Professor Frederike van Wijck, Chair in Neurological Rehabilitation, Glasgow Caledonian University
Co-lead Living with Stroke and other long term neurological conditions (LTNC) research group at Glasgow Caledonian University and NMAHP-RU. Research on neurological rehabilitation, physical activity; evidence synthesis; validation, modelling, feasibility and pilot studies; RCTs; dissemination and impact: development of evidence-based policies and guidelines; design and delivery of evidence-based educational resources for health service users and providers
Professor Mary Wells, Deputy Director of Nursing Research, Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London
NHS in England; cancer nursing, rehabilitation and survivorship; patient-reported outcomes and experiences; qualitative and complex interventions research, including RCTs and the study of context; implementation science
Professor Scott Wilkes, Chair in General Practice and Primary Care, Head of the School of Medicine, University of Sunderland
GP in England; medical education, NHS structures, HEE, GMC, MSC, NIHR; multi-methods research; theories underpinning embedding of new technologies in clinical consultations including Normalisation Process Theory
Professor Heather Wilkinson, Chair in Dementia Practice and Partnership, Deputy Director and Academic lead of ACRC, University of Edinburgh
Social care during ageing; dementia; learning disabilities; patient experience; qualitative research; practice development and social policy; knowledge exchange/public engagement; links with end users of social and health care across UK; influence on policy and practice