We study the role of public health measures such as handwashing, mask-wearing and physical distancing, and their impact on COVID-19 incidence, transmission and mortality. UNCOVER has studied the impact of public health measures (also referred to as non-pharmaceutical interventions or NPIs) on COVID-19 from different perspectives. This page includes our work on the relationship between the implementation or lifting of NPIs and the reproduction rate (R0) of COVID-19; a review conducted with Public Health Scotland on the association between alcohol consumption and compliance with COVID-19 measures; and a collaboration with Monash University exploring the impact of public health measures on COVID-19 incidence, transmission and mortality.Please take note of the dates of reviews and publications. Reviews produced early in the pandemic may have been superseded by more recent findings.PublicationsEffectiveness of public health measures in reducing the incidence of covid-19, SARS-CoV-2 transmission, and covid-19 mortality: systematic review and meta-analysisRead the articlePublished in: The BMJ (November 2021)By: Talic, S., Shah, S., Wild, H., Gasevic, D., Maharaj, A., Ademi, Z., Li, X., Xu, W., Mesa-Eguigaray, I., Rostron, J., Theodoratou, E., Zhang, X., Motee, A., Liew, D., Ilic, D. The association of community mobility with the time-varying reproduction number (R) of SARS-CoV-2: a modelling study across 330 local UK authoritiesRead the articlePublished in: The Lancet Digital Health (September 2021)By: Li, Y., Wang, X., Campbell, H., Nair, H. The Temporal Association of Introducing and Lifting Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions with the Time-Varying Reproduction Number (R) of SARS-CoV-2: A Modelling Study Across 131 CountriesRead the articlePublished in: The Lancet Infectious Diseases (February 2021)By: Li, Y., Campbell, H., Kulkarni, D., Harpur, A., Nundy, M., Wang, X., Nair, H.Reviews and SummariesTo What Extent is Alcohol Consumption in Social Gatherings Associated with Observance of COVID-19 Restrictions? A Rapid Review Document UNCOVER - Alcohol Consumption and Observance of COVID-19 Restrictions (587.76 KB / PDF) By: Kulkarni, D., Nundy, M., Adams, E., Bogle, A., Cullen, B., Donaghy, G., Dozier, M., Hartnup, K., Laird, T., Leow, A., McQuillan, R., McSwiggan, E., Mureyi, D., Nelson, S., Nolan, G., Sanchez-Vivar, A., Theodoratou, E.Lay Summary: The temporal association of introducing and lifting non-pharmaceutical interventions with the time-varying reproduction number (R) of SARS-CoV-2: a modelling study across 131 countries Document uncover-r0-summary-lancet (148.91 KB / PDF) By: Li, Y., Campbell, H., Kulkarni, D., Harpur, A., Nundy, M., Wang, X., Nair, H. Rapid Review: How have population-level non-pharmaceutical interventions [NPIs] to reduce SARS CoV-2 transmission been related in time to the reproduction number (R) and have countries used measures of R in making decisions about the application of these interventions? Document uncover-r0-full-006-01 (1.82 MB / PDF) By: Li, Y., Nair, H., Campbell, H., Kulkarni, D., Nundy, M., Harpur, A., Dozier, M. Summary: How have population-level non-pharmaceutical interventions [NPIs] to reduce SARS CoV-2 transmission been related in time to the reproduction number (R) and have countries used measures of R in making decisions about the application of these interventions? Document uncover-r0-summary-006-01 (218.79 KB / PDF) By: Li, Y., Nair, H., Kulkarni, D., Nundy, M., Harpur, A., Dozier, M., Campbell, H. Student DissertationsIf you are interested in completing an extended project or Masters dissertation on a related topic, UNCOVER may be able to offer practical support, (co-)supervision and/or peer mentorship. Please contact our Project Manager for more information.Blogs, Interviews and Talks"Mask-wearing linked to 53% cut in Covid incidence, global study finds"Read the article in the Guardian (November 2021) Public Health Measures and RWatch the video (2 minutes)Meet the Team (Alcohol and Compliance)Professor Evropi TheodoratouReview Lead Dr Ruth McQuillanReview Lead Durga KulkarniReview Coordinator Dr Madhurima NundyReview Team Marshall DozierInformation Specialist Emily AdamsReview Team Alison BogleReview Team (PHS) Beth CullenReview Team (PHS) Grant DonaghyReview Team (PHS) Dr Karen HartnupInformation Specialist Dr Tonje LairdReview Team (PHS) Amanda LeowReview Team Dr Dudzai MureyiReview Team Sarah NelsonReview Team Gemma NolanReview Team Dr Alex Sanchez-VivarReview Team (PHS) Emilie McSwigganReview Team Meet the Team (NPIs and R)Dr You (Leo) LiReview LeadView ProfileMarshall DozierInformation SpecialistView ProfileProfessor Harish NairReview TeamView ProfileProfessor Harry CampbellReview TeamView ProfileDurga KulkarniReview Team Dr Madhurima NundyReview Team Dr Alice HarpurReview Team Dr Xin WangReview Team Expression of Interest This article was published on 2024-09-24