About Us A multi-disciplinary team of clinical academics, social science researchers, patient-public involvment (PPI) representatives and collaborators with primary care, hospital, hospice, and care home experience; based at the University of Edinburgh with strong international links.Find us | Contact us | Work with us | Latest News Strictly Come Dying video has been updated for 2025 to include dying with multimorbidity - like being at a discoAdvance care planning in multimorbidity: access the podcast and video embedded in a BMJ paperSee Special Issue about Palliative Medicine in Primary CareFollow us on Twitter @PPCRG Supportive & Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT) The SPICT helps identify people at risk of deteriorating health due to one or multiple advanced conditions for holistic, palliative care needs assessment and care planning. The RED-MAP communication framework developed by Dr Kirsty Boyd guides meaningful conversations about planning future care.The SPICT has a growing number of translations and an expanding international community. Please contact us. Toolkit to help develop palliative care in primary care The Primary Palliative Care Toolkit supports the development of palliative care in primary health care across Europe and in other countries. Download 2019 Toolkit and watch introductory video.Read our blog on the EAPC website: new Toolkit translations in Portugal and Greece.Join EAPC Primary Palliative Care Reference Group Our key themes Primary Palliative Care has great potential to help deliver universal health coverage. We aim to address the key challenges of providing palliative care for people with any progressive illnesses, at all times, for all dimensions of need, in all settings and in all nations. Video resources There are a number of resources to assist with the development of palliative care research, teaching and clinical care in the community. The video on trajectories presents a rationale for early palliative care based on the contrasting multidimensional trajectories of wellbeing that people may experience in their last years of life. ACP public information video What is Anticipatory Care Planning? How can it help you and those close to you think ahead and plan for changes in your health? Visit: nhsinform.scot/acp Advanced Care Research Centre Our visionary teaching/research-based care home project led by Dr Jo Hockley has been developing since 2019 and played a key role in establishing the Edinburgh Advanced Care Research Centre. This article was published on 2024-09-24