Edinburgh Critical Care Research Methods Course 25th and 26th November 2024.

Course Directors: Prof Nazir Lone & Prof Tim Walsh

Course details

25th and 26th November 2024

This two day course consists of a comprehensive series of lectures and workshops designed for clinicians and researchers who are seeking to improve their understanding of key research methods with a focus on the acute health care setting.

The course covers research methodologies required to critically appraise and to conduct clinical research. There is a strong focus on group work and interactive sessions.

The course is of particular relevance to clinicians, trainees, AHPs and researchers in critical care, emergency medicine, acute medical specialities and anaesthesia.

Topics include
Statistics for the uninitiatedHealth economics
Randomised controlled trialsQuality Improvement science
EpidemiologyUnderstanding diagnostic tests
Systematic reviews and meta-analysisand other topics


Course fees:

Two day course fee £295 per person.

ePay facilities


rm booking (351.5 KB / DOC)


This meeting has been approved for 10 CPD credits by the Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Royal College of Physicians.


Contact details:

Dawn Campbell

Comments from from previous Research Methods Courses:

Great presenters, fantastic course, very glad I attended

Excellent course that I will definitely be recommending to others. Covered huge volume of material in two days by experts in the field


An excellent course - a realistic practical approach to both designing, appraising and implementing research… a great advert for Edinburgh!

Excellent course, whether conducting research or just appraising papers

One of the most useful and applicable courses I've taken


Thoroughly enjoyed the stats - even as a mathsphobe!







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