The NMAHP Research Community launched in January 2011. Since then, it has established a strategic framework, and developed a number of schemes to support new and existing health services researchers. Achievements to date include: Establishment of a framework for the creation of clinical and academic homes Appointment of four academics into clinical homes in mental health and critical care To date, ten NMAHPs employed by NHS Lothian have received Research Futures awards to support their postgraduate research training at doctoral, masters or research apprenticeship level. Establishment of a Mental Health Research Planning Group comprising the strategic lead, service managers, NMAHP Consultants, academics and Early Clinical Career Fellows *Establishment of the Lothian Clinical Academic Research (CARC) Scheme Introduction of the Midwifery Research Champions Scheme involving the appointment of six midwives to support promotion of existing clinical trials and the development of midwifery research capacity. Two of these Research Champions have recently been successful in securing PhD Studentships from Edinburgh Napier University Contribution to the development of a number of new research Masters programmes including: Masters of Nursing in Clinical Research (University of Edinburgh) Masters in Clinical Research (Queen Margaret University) MSc Clinical Trials by Online Learning (Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility and University of Edinburgh) Ongoing Collaborative NMAHP Research Seminar Series. MSc Clinical Trials by Online Learning Masters of Nursing in Clinical Research This article was published on 2024-09-24