Progress and Achievements

The NMAHP Research Community launched in January 2011. Since then, it has established a strategic framework, and developed a number of schemes to support new and existing health services researchers.

Achievements to date include:

  • Establishment of a framework for the creation of clinical and academic homes
    • Appointment of four academics into clinical homes in mental health and critical care
  • To date, ten NMAHPs employed by NHS Lothian have received Research Futures awards to support their postgraduate research training at doctoral, masters or research apprenticeship level.
  • Establishment of a Mental Health Research Planning Group comprising the strategic lead, service managers, NMAHP Consultants, academics and Early Clinical Career Fellows
  • *Establishment of the Lothian Clinical Academic Research (CARC) Scheme
  • Introduction of the Midwifery Research Champions Scheme involving the appointment of six midwives to support promotion of existing clinical trials and the development of midwifery research capacity.
    • Two of these Research Champions have recently been successful in securing PhD Studentships from Edinburgh Napier University
  • Contribution to the development of a number of new research Masters programmes including:
    • Masters of Nursing in Clinical Research (University of Edinburgh)
    • Masters in Clinical Research (Queen Margaret University)
    • MSc Clinical Trials by Online Learning (Wellcome Trust Clinical Research Facility and University of Edinburgh)
  • Ongoing Collaborative NMAHP Research Seminar Series.