Information for Chief Investigators (CIs) seeking to collaborate with ECTU to conduct a clinical trial. ECTU is committed to supporting the robust design and delivery of randomised clinical trials that have the potential to improve the health of the population, in line with The University of Edinburgh’s Strategy 2030, its Clinical Trials Strategy, and its Behaviours Charter. ECTU follows the ECTU Portfolio Prioritisation Strategy for adoption of clinical trials into its portfolio, and the develop, design and deliver approach of the clinical trial strategy.Guidance for Chief Investigators of Clinical Trials Conducted by ECTUThis document outlines the expertise that ECTU can offer CIs and how CIs can seek support. It is never too early to contact us to discuss your proposal! Document Guidance for Chief Investigators of Clinical Trials Conducted by ECTU (1.83 MB / PDF) How to get your trial adopted and access supportPlease visit this page for information on how to apply to get your clinical trial adopted, access ECTU support and use our services, by completing the online web form. This article was published on 2024-12-10