ECTU has a portfolio of adopted trials, which fall under the UK Clinical Research Collaboration registration number. List of UKCRC studiesFor further information please click on the study name.Rheumatology / Orthopaedic:DENS (duration of external neck stabilisation)MOTION (osteoarthritis)PANACHE (carpal tunnel hand surgery)SLEx (lupus)TOPaZ (osteogenesis Imperfecta)Perioperative Medicine:RESULT-HIP (effect of haemoglobin transfusion threshold after hip fracture surgery on cardiac injury and death) Respiratory:MucAct (COPD)TEMPESTAS (effect of inhaled steroids in severe COPD patients)Neurology:ASPIRING (stroke due to intracerebral haemorrhage)CARE (symptomatic brain cavernoma)MS-SMART (multiple sclerosis)MND-SMART (motor neurone disease systematic multi-arm adaptive randomised trial) Cardiology:DUAL ACS (acute coronary syndrome)SCOT-HEART 2 (computer tomography coronary angiography for the prevention of myocardial infarction)TARGET-CTCA (using troponin to guide CTCA)Gastro-Intestinal:MARVEL (ulcerative colitis)Mini MARVEL (ulcerative colitis)PINGO (safety of NGT placement) Emergency/Critical Care:A2B (alpha 2 agonists sedation agents)ASPIRED (enhanced ambulatory ECG monitoring)HiSNAP (paracetamol overdose)The RUFUS Study (flumazenil for intramuscular treatment of coma)INTACT2 (icu outcomes treating anaemia)ACTION (cannobinoid treatment of chemotheraphy) Paediatric:ELVIS Kids (upper respiratory tract infection) Obstetrics/Gynaecology:BRIDGE-IT (emergency contraception)METAFOR (gestational diabetes)POP-IN (postpartum intrauterine contraception)Peripheral Neuropathy:ACTION (cannobinoid treatment of chemo-induced neuropathy)Clinical Toxicology:MAIL (macrophage therapy for acute liver injury) Further information:How to get your trial adopted and access support All current studiesCommercial PartnershipsData Linkage StudiesHealth Services Research StudiesCompleted Studies This article was published on 2024-09-24