Information on all current studies listed by therapeutic area. List of all current studiesFor further information please click on the study name. If you are interested in participating in any trial please contact your GP / consultant in the first instance, please don't contact ECTU directly.Rheumatology / Orthopaedics:DENS (external neck stabilisation)MOTION (osteoarthritis)PANACHE (carpal tunnel hand surgery)SLEx (lupus)TOPaZ (osteogenesis imperfecta)GuARDS (glucocorticoids in adults) Perioperative Medicine:RESULT-HIP (REStrictive versUs LIberaL Transfusion) Respiratory:MucAct (COPD)TEMPESTAS (effect of inhaled steroids in severe COPD patients)SBIVA (bronchiectasis requiring intravenous antibiotics) MABEL (chronic breathlessness)PuRe (pulmonary rehabilitation)BAC2BAC (optical molecular alveoscopy) Neurology:ASPIRING (intracerebral haemorrhage)MND-SMART (people living with MND)PLINTH (cannabinoid oral tincture)ENDOCAN (cannabinoid oral tincture)LACI3 (long-term effects of cilostazol and isosorbide mononitrate (ISMN)) Reproductive Health:ESPriT2 (chronic pelvic pain in women)THE EDINBURGH BIRTH COHORT (monitor the progress of 400 babies) Cardiology:DUAL ACS2 (acute coronary syndrome)EVoLVeD (early valve replacement)SCOT-HEART 2 (prevention of myocardial infarction)TARGET-CTCA (using troponin to guide CTCA)BORN IN SCOTLAND IN THE 2020s (birth cohort study)RIGHT (preventing deaths from acute poisoning)Gastro-Intestinal:MARVEL (ulcerative colitis)Mini MARVEL (ulcerative colitis)PINGO (safety of NGT placement) Health and Social Care:NESSIE (nihr evidence synthesis group)RAFTAA (methods of analysing)MDMC2 (medical device manufacturing centre)PHOENIx (pharmacy homeless outreach) Emergency/Critical Care:ABC Post ICU (anaemia management)ASPIRED (ambulatory ECG monitoring)CHAPS (post-thrombotic syndrome)HiSNAP (paracetamol overdose)The RUFUS Study (benzodiazepine overdose)GenOMICC & GenOMICC International (covid, sepsis, influenza)INTACT2 (icu outcomes treating anaemia)EVIS (early vasopressors in sepsis)PETS (prevention of venous thromboembolism)TRAITS (precision medicine in critically ill patients)POC-DILI (drug-induced liver injury) Vascular:THRIVE (thromboprophylaxis)GRACE (inpatient graduated compression stocking use) Paediatric:ELVIS Kids (upper respiratory tract infection) Obstetrics / Gynaecology:BRIDGE-IT (emergency contraception)POP-IN (postpartum intrauterine contraception)STOPPIT-3 (antenatal corticosteroids)Peripheral Neuropathy:ACTION (cannobinoid treatment of chemo-induced neuropathy) Clinical Toxicology:MAIL (macrophage therapy for acute liver injury) This article was published on 2024-09-24