NESSIE - NIHR Evidence Synthesis Scotland InitiativE. Is a collaboration between University of Edinburgh, Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Stirling, University of Newcastle upon Tyne and patient representatives. We combine methodological, topic and patient and public involvement expertise. We aim to produce high quality evidence syntheses across a wide range of topics relevant to health care, public health and social care. These will have a direct impact on decision-making, patient and client care, reducing inequalities and identifying future research needs. Our projects will provide best evidence to support decision-making across health, public health and social care in all four nations of the UK.

Chief Investigator: Jackie Price

Number and location of participating sites (by region/country): N/A

EudraCT number: N/A

ISRCTN number: N/A

Funder: NIHR


Start and End date

Of grant award: 04 January 2023 - 31 March 2028

Of recruitment N/A


Current Status: Open        


UK GDPR privacy statement: UK GDPR statement provided at consent


Website links: NESSIE (NIHR Evidence Synthesis Scotland InitiativE) | Usher Institute


ECTU Involvement:  Methodology & Statistics / Health Economics