Multi-centre open label randomised controlled trial of immediate enhanced ambulatory ECG monitoring versus standard monitoring in acute unexplained syncope patients: The ASPIRED study.

Syncope (sudden loss of consciousness also known as blackout or fainting) causes over 600,000 people to visit emergency departments every year in the UK. Often, by the time the patient is seen by the medical team they have fully recovered making it hard to diagnose the underlying problem.

A mobile heart ECG monitoring device has recently been developed (BodyGuardian Mini; Preventice Solutions). This device can record the patients heartbeat and heart electrical rhythm tracing for up to 14 days.   By applying the mobile heart monitor after attendance at the emergency department we hope to have a better chance of diagnosing the underlying problem that caused the syncope.


Aspired Logo

Chief Investigator: Dr Matt Reed

Number and location of participating sites (by region/ country): 45 UK sites

EudraCT number: n/a

ISRCTN number: ID number 52042


Funder: British Heart Foundation

Start and End date

Of grant award: 01 Aug 2022 – 31 Dec 2026

Of recruitment: 30 March 2022 – 24 Jun 2024


Current Status: In follow up


Trial Website:


Study Protocol:

ASPIRED Protocol V6.0 (1.01 MB / 0_01)


Patient Information Sheets:

ASPIRED PISCF V7.0 (338.36 KB / 0)



ASPIRED SAP v1.0 signed (1.06 MB / 0_-_SIGNED)
ASPIRED Heap signed (1.27 MB / PDF)
ASPIRED Data Sharing Plan v1.0 (174.19 KB / 0_09_01_2023)


Health Economics: School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield, Regent Court,  30 Regent Street, Sheffield


UK GDPR Privacy Statement: As part of the PIS


Sponsor: Accord,


Chief Investigator: Dr Matt Reed, Consultant and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Emergency Medicine, Emergency Dept., Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, 51 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SA

Trial Manager: Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit, Usher Building, The University of Edinburgh, 5-7 Little France Road, Edinburgh BioQuarter ‒ Gate 3 EDINBURGH EH16 4UX  Email:


ECTU involvement: Trial Management / Statistics / Database and randomisation service