Mitochondrial Anti-oxidant therapy to Resolve Inflammation in Ulcerative Colitis (MARVEL): A randomised placebo-controlled trial on oral MitoQ in UC

The MARVEL study investigates whether MitoQ is a beneficial drug treatment for Ulcerative Colitis.  In the study, individuals with an active flare of UC requiring standard oral steroids will be given either MitoQ or placebo as a daily tablet for 24 weeks.  Currently, many drug treatments are very strong, expensive and aimed at suppressing the immune system. If MARVEL study provides supportive data, MitoQ can be a safe and cost-effective new treatment that works at blocking the specific inflammatory signal found in the gut lining of individuals with Ulcerative Colitis


MARVEL study logo

Chief Investigator: Gwo-Tzer Ho

Number and location of participating sites / geographical scope (by region/ country): 10 UK sites

EudraCT number: 2019-004275-39

CTA 01384/0260/001-0001

Funder: JP Moulton Foundation Trust


Start and End date

Of grant award: August 2019 – December 2022

Of recruitment: June 2020 – February 2022


Current Status: Recruiting


Sponsor: ACCORD


Chief Investigator: Gwo-Tzer Ho, Centre for Inflammation Research, QMRI, Edinburgh BioQuarter, 47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4TJ 


Trial Manager:


Trial website: MARVEL IBD - Mitochondrial Antioxidant Therapy to Resolve Inflammation in Ulcerative Colitis (


UK GDPR Privacy Statement: Information included in the Data Protection Information Sheet


ECTU Involvement: Trial Management / Statistics / Database