Get Involved

Information on how to take part or support the RESULT-HIP study

People over 60 years old who are admitted to hospital with a hip fracture will be invited to participate in the study by the clinical team caring for them if they are assessed as suitable. The inclusion and exclusion criteria are:

Inclusion Criteria

  • Adults aged 60 years or over
  • Require operative management of hip fracture
  • Presence of anaemia (Haemoglobin equal to or less than 90 g.L-1) at any time from admission until the seven days following surgery


Exclusion Criteria

  • Objection to a blood transfusion
  • Unable to obtain consent (from the participant or a representative, in accordance with appropriate mental capacity legislation for the site)
  • Patient for non-operative management or not expected to survive 48 hours
  • Patient with new acute coronary syndrome meeting 4th Universal Definition during current admission
  • Rapid or uncontrolled blood loss resulting in haemodynamic instability

Some potential participants may not have the capacity to make the decision for themselves about whether to participate. For these people, the clinical team may approach an appropriate family member or other suitable person to ask their permission for the person to be included in the study. This is permissible under the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000, Mental Capacity Act (England & Wales) 2005 and Mental Capacity Act (Northern Ireland) 2016.

For further information on how participants are enrolled or for examples of information leaflets, please contact the Trial Management team at