MICA: Point-of-care assessment of drug-induced liver injury

The Point-of-care Assessment of Drug-Induced Liver Injury (POC-DILI) Study aims to develop blood testing for liver injury during the early stages of assessment of people who have taken a paracetamol overdose. This trial will use two new medical devices – a Lateral Flow Assay (LFA) designed to measure the biomarker K18, and a handheld Raman Reader to read the LFA. Adults who take part in this study will have blood samples taken up to 5 days after presenting to the ED, with hospital data collected for up to 30 days. 


Chief Investigator: James Dear

Number and location of participating sites (by region/ country): N/A

EudraCT number: N/A

ISRCTN number: N/A


Funder: MRC

Start and End date

Of grant award: 01 July 2025 - 30 April 2026


Current Status: Open

Trial website: TBC


Sponsor: ACCORD http://www.accord.ed.ac.uk/


UK GDPR Privacy Statement: Information can be found in our Participant Information Sheets.


ECTU Involvement: Data Management / Statistics