Current Students

Our current students form a vibrant and active group - though they are based at various locations around the UK

Each of our students are undertaking a unique project in the field of applied asthma research, and have supervisors from at least two member institutions.

Affiliate students have been formally adopted by the Centre. They must be based in one of our member institutions, and be working on a study that aligns with our programmes of work and/or platforms. Benefits of being an affiliated student include access to the postgraduate training scheme.

Project: An investigation of a reminder letter from schools to school-aged children with asthma prior to the start of the academic school year: A cluster-randomised pilot trial

Project: Control of seasonal allergic rhinitis helps asthma attacks: a feasibility study of a patient-focussed mobile health (mHealth) intervention

Project: Machine Learning-based Prognostic Models for Improved Asthma Management Using UK-Wide Electronic Health Records

Project: Exploring the Mediating Role of Air Quality in the Association Between Asthma and Educational Outcomes

Project: Optimising inhaler technique and asthma self-management in children and young people

Project: Longitudinal trends in asthma mortality and uncontrolled asthma, and predictors for asthma-related deaths in children living in England

Project: Investigating the interaction between physical activity, air pollution and health in children with asthma

Project: Identification of Future Risk of an Attack in Paediatric Asthma

Project: Electronic reminders and incentives to improve adherence to inhaled asthma treatment in adolescents

Project: A health economic framework for assessing asthma management strategies in UK primary care

Project: Developing air quality specific nudges in an app to promote physical activity and reduce asthma attacks

Project: Asthma and cardiovascular disease association: the effect of leukotriene status on cardiovascular dysfunction

Project: Investigating the effectiveness of interventions that improve medication adherence in school-aged children with asthma

Project: PRECISE Study: Precision medicine directed Corticosteroids In children with preSchool wheeze

Project: Biomarkers in preschool children with wheeze to TArget therapy wIth inhaLed cORticosteroids (TAILOR): a feasibility study

Project: Are anonymised databases truly anonymous?

Project: Understanding facilitation in the IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self- management as RouTine (IMP2ART) study: using video ethnography to aid healthcare improvement

Project: Learning Health Systems: Translating current approaches into a chronic disease management framework

Project: Exploring the delivery of online asthma reviews as an option in primary care from the perspective of the patient, the healthcare professional and the organisation: a mixed-methods study nested in the IMP2ART programme of work

Project: Near Fatal Asthma in Children and Young People

Project: Asthma sufferers' Personal Exposure to Air Pollution and Pollens and Risk Perception in Urban environment

Project: The role of illness perception and dyadic coping in couples’ asthma adjustment

Find out more about our former students, who have now completed their studies.

Former students