Project: WellHome

West London Healthy Home and Environment Study

Identifying dominant air pollution exposures across the indoor: outdoor continuum within vulnerable and diverse urban communities.

Project overview

Children growing up in the UK today represent an 'indoor child generation', with most of their activities taking place in enclosed spaces such as homes and schools. These locations often have complex air quality environments. Despite its importance in human exposure terms, links between indoor air quality and public health is a relatively under-researched area.

Co-designed with the local community in White City, West London, the WellHome study focuses on the air quality inside and outside of over 100 homes with asthmatic children.

The study will incorporate six work packages:

  1. Establishing a community air quality research network
  2. Household exposure to gases and aerosols in the indoor: outdoor continuum
  3. Quantitative profiling of social health inequalities and policy disconnects using toxicological paradigms
  4. Occupant understanding and behavioural factors in indoor air quality
  5. Characterising sources and behaviour that reduce exposure in the West London community and minority ethnic asthmatic children in the UK
  6. Harmonising the data and statistical analysis of relationships between exposures, behaviours and symptoms

The WellHome study is based at Imperial College London. Find out more on the main WellHome study website

WellHome study website

Key People

Professor Frank Kelly
Study Principal Investigator
Based at: Imperial College London
Frank's Profile
Chris Griffiths
Professor Chris Griffiths

Centre Director

Advisor on the WellHome study

Based at: Queen Mary University of London
Chris' Profile

The full team working on the WellHome study can be found on the main study website

The WellHome study team


1st August 2021 to 31st July 2025

Contact Us

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Administered by Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and the Met Office, with Innovate UK, the Economic and Social Research Council, the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, the Medical Research Council, the Science and Technology Facilities Council, National Physical Laboratory, in partnership with the government’s Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, Department for Health and Social Care, and Department for Transport, the Scottish Government and the Welsh Government.