Project: REAL HEALTH - Respiratory workstream: Identifying adults with asthma at high risk of hospital admission – Quality Improvement activity in East London Early Career Researcher overview Project: REAL HEALTH - Respiratory workstream: Identifying adults with asthma at high risk of hospital admission – Quality Improvement activity in East London Funded by: Barts Charity Based at: Queen Mary University of London Email: My research project is about understanding and quantifying the effects of a primary care intervention on patients with asthma in East London. I am responsible for data extraction from medical information systems, data management and analysis, and statistical modelling. I am using Interrupted Time Series (ITS) and categorical regression to establish a link between primary care data and hospital admission of patients with asthma. Along with this, I am investigating the temporal relationship between air pollution and asthma exacerbation, and developing a time series analysis model. About me Image Hajar Hajmohammadi, Centre Research Fellow With a background in civil and transportation engineering, I started my PhD in transport studies at University College London in 2015. I continued my research in transport and air quality as a Research Fellow there after graduation, and then joined Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG), Queen Mary University of London as a Senior Data Analyst in 2020. Publications Hajar Hajmohammadi, Benjamin Heydecker Multivariate time series modelling for urban air quality Urban Climate, Volume 37, 2021, 100834, ISSN 2212-0955, DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100834. Hamid Salehi, Vikram Karde, Hajar Hajmohammadi, Susantha Dissanayake, Sylvia H. Larsson, Jerry Y.Y. Heng, Mike Bradley Understanding flow properties of mannitol powder at a range of temperature and humidity International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 596, 2021, 120244, ISSN 0378-5173, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2021.120244. Hajar Hajmohammadi, Giampiero Marra, Benjamin Heydecker Data-driven models for microscopic vehicle emissions Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, Volume 76, 2019, Pages 138-154, ISSN 1361-9209, DOI: 10.1016/j.trd.2019.09.013. Hajmohammadi, H., Afandizadeh Sh., Kalantari, N., Application of Genetic Algorithm for Coordinating Variable Speed Limits and Ramp Metering, Journal of Transportation Research, Vol. 9, May 2012 Hajmohammadi, H., Afandizadeh Sh., Kalantari, N., Study and Assessment of Methods of Coordinating Ramp Metering and Variable Speed Limit, Journal of Traffic Engineering, Vol. 12, Jan. 2012 Hajmohammadi, H., Afandizadeh Sh., Dehghani, N., A Signal Coordination Model for Oversaturated and Under Saturated Arterials, Journal of Traffic Engineering (in Persian), Vol.12, May 2011. Research activity Conferences Hajmohammadi, H., Marra, G., Heydecker, B.G., “Nonlinear Vehicle Emission Modelling for Urban Areas”, Transportation, Air Quality, and Health Symposium (CARTEEH), Texas A&M transportation institute, Texas, Austin, Feb. 2019. Heydecker, B.G., Hajmohammadi, H., Marra, G., “Microscopic Modelling of Vehicle Emissions: Beyond Generalised Linear Models”, 23rd International Conference of the Hong Kong Society for Transportation Studies: Transportation Systems in the Connected Era, Hong Kong, Dec. 2018. Hajmohammadi, H., Heydecker, B.G., “A Gear-Based Vehicle Emission Model for CO2, CO and NOx Estimation”, Mathematics Applied in Transport and Traffic Systems (MATTS) Conference, TU Delft, Netherland, Oct. 2018. Hajmohammadi, H., Heydecker, B.G., “Classified Vehicle Emission Model for Predicting CO2, CO and NOx in Urban Roads”, 49th Annual UTSG Conference, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, Jan. 2017. Khavarzadeh, R, Kalantari, N., Hajmohammadi, H., “A Predictive SARIMA Model for PM10 and PM2.5 levels in the City of Mashhad Based on Traffic Flow and Meteorological Data”, 14th International Conference on Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Tehran, Iran, Feb. 2015. Hajmohammadi, H., Afandizadeh Sh., Kalantari, N., “A Meta-Heuristic Approach to Optimal Coordinated Design of Variable Speed Limits and Ramp Metering”, 10th Conference of Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE), Ankara, Turkey, Oct. 2012. Hajmohammadi, H., Afandizadeh Sh., Dehghani, N., “Signal Coordination in the Oversaturated and Under Saturated Arterials, Case Study: Beheshti Corridor”, 10th International Conference of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Tehran, Iran, Nov. 2011. Follow Hajar Hajar's LinkedIn profile Hajar's ResearchGate profile This article was published on 2024-09-24