IPCRG World Conference 2022 - Presentations from the Centre

Presentations and Posters from the Centre at the 11th IPCRG World Conference

Members of the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research are proud to be presenting at the 11th International Primary Care Respiratory Group (IPCRG) World Conference, in Malaga, Spain between 5th – 7th May 2022.


After the virtual events of previous years due to the pandemic, the theme of the World Conference 2022 is to reunite, evaluate and advance.

There are a wide range of sessions for delegates to attend including inspiring educational sessions, discussions, an ePoster showcase alongside a range of networking opportunities. The topics to be covered include asthma management, asthma diagnosis, spirometry, guidelines and many more. There will be speakers addressing many current issues including climate action for health, prevention, diagnosis and management of infectious and non-communicable respiratory problems common in primary care.

Centre members taking part in the Conference

If you are planning to attend the Congress, don’t miss the sessions below that our members are involved in. See their sessions below. All times are local times in Spain.

Thursday 5th May – Day 1

17:20 – 18:20 – Sponsored Symposium – Asthma Right Care, AZ: 1 SABA Over-reliance & the Asthma Right Care Toolkit: Integrating Tools into Clinical Practice

Auditorium 2

Professor Rob Horne will explain how the Reliever Reliance Test has been developed for use.

Friday 6th May – Day 2

10:05 – 11:20 Session 5.3 Roundtable Asthma Diagnosis: The Asthma Jigsaw Workshop Part 2

Conference Room 2.1

Dr Dermot Ryan – Chair

13:35 Sponsored Symposium - Mapping a Direct Path to Optimal Treatment using Treatable Traits (Sponsored by GSK)

Auditorium 2

Professor Mike Thomas will provide an overview of the Treatable Traits approach and use case studies to illustrate how the approach can address patient frustrations and lead to a more direct path to optimal treatment.

14:35 – 15:50 Session 7.4 Workshop 7 Upper Respiratory Tract & The Nose

Conference Room 2.2

Dr Dermot Ryan presenting

Presentations and Posters

The following presentations and posters from Centre members have been accepted for the conference.

Exploring how patients use a connected Internet-Of-Things system (C4A) with CE-marked devices to support asthma self-management? A mixed method study

Authors: Hui CY, McKinstry B, Mclean S, Buchner M and Pinnock H

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What is the Diagnostic value of repeated peak expiratory flow measurements to diagnose asthma in primary care?

Authors: Devani P, Daines L, Hussein NB, Khoo EM, Ramli RB, Fowler S, Pinnock H, Gaillard E

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Development of a patient-centred asthma review template to improve self-management in UK primary care

Authors: McClatchey K, Steed L, Sheldon A, Appiagyei F, Taylor S, Price D, Pinnock H

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IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self-management as RouTine (IMP2ART) in primary care: internal pilot for a cluster randomised controlled trial

Authors: McClatchey K, Sheringham J, Barat A, Delaney B, Searle B, Marsh V, Hammersley V, Steed E, Taylor, SJC, Pinnock H

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Delivery of Supported Self-Management in Asthma Reviews: A Mixed Methods Observational Study Nested in the IMP²ART Programme of Work (IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self-management as RouTine)

Authors: Kinley E, McClatchey K, Pinnock H, Steed E

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Developing a theoretically-informed education programme within the context of a complex implementation strategy in UK primary care: an exemplar from the IMP2ART trial

Authors: Marsh V, McClatchey K, Steed E, Holmes S, Taylor SJC, Wiener-Ogilvie S, Neal J, Last R, Saxon A, Pinnock H, for the IMP2ART programme group.

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Healthcare professionals’ perspectives of remote consulting during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on service delivery for people with asthma.

Authors: Flinn F, Appleton H, Hammersley V, McClatchey K, Pinnock H, Jackson T

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Exploring the delivery of online asthma reviews in primary care: a mixed-methods study

Authors: Uzzaman MN, Hammersley V, McClatchey K, Sheringham J, Pinnock H

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Understanding and improving facilitation in the IMP2ART primary care implementation trial:  developing and using the FACE Instrument

Authors: Steed L, Searle B, Marsh V, Sheringham J, McClatchey K, Hammersley V, Taylor S, Pinnock H.


For the full conference programme, see the Conference website

11th IPCRG World Conference & 2nd Ibero-American Primary Care Respiratory Meeting