
News from the Centre

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Publication date

Grace Lewis - My pandemic experience

13 October, 2021

Grace discusses her experience of working through a PhD during the pandemic

Imogen Skene - My pandemic experience

13 October, 2021

Imogen discusses her experience of working through a PhD during the pandemic

Bohee Lee - My pandemic experience

13 October, 2021

Bohee discusses her experience of working through a PhD during the pandemic

Resilience through lockdown - student experiences

13 October, 2021

Some of our students spoke to us about their experience of working through a PhD during the COVID…

Remote consulting: an evolving norm - speaking to the Scottish Parliament's Cross Party Group on Lung Health

01 October, 2021

The Centre presented the academic, clinical and patient voice on remote consultations to the…

Meeting my fellow students in-person for the first time | Jasmine Hine

23 September, 2021

Jasmine Hine, PhD student and student rep, writes about meeting her fellow students in person for…

Algorithm to predict asthma crisis events acceptable

16 August, 2021

The algorithm can successfully identify people who are at risk of A&E attendance,…

Use of templates in long-term condition reviews act as reminder tools but can restrict patient-centred care, study suggests

02 August, 2021

A systematic review explored the impact of long-term condition review templates on process and…

Internet-of-Things systems can be trusted to support a range of asthma self-management tasks, research suggests

22 July, 2021

Artificial intelligence can be trusted to help patients manage their asthma at home, but more…