Information on the application process Applications to the programme are submitted via the University of Edinburgh's Degree Finder. Further information on the guidance given to applicants is available here. We encourage all applicants to speak with the project supervisor prior to making an application. Once the application deadline has passed, supervisors will be sent all applications received for their project. Please note that in the recruitment round for 2024 entry we are trialling anonymised applications. You will be asked to review all anonymised applications and, for any applicants you are interested in talking to, request access to the full EUCLID application to then make contact with the students to further, informally, assess their suitability and submit up to 2 (with a maximum of one international) candidate(s) for interview. Interviews will be carried out by members of the Precision Medicine Academic Steering Committee and you are therefore strongly encouraged to interview applicants yourself prior to nominating them for interview. Should your applicant be successful at interview, we will confirm that you are happy for an offer to be made and then make the offer. Timeline Late October to Early January Projects advertised on FindaPhD, website etc Early December Online Supervisor Q&A Sessions Early January Deadline for student applications Mid January Applications sent to supervisors so they can interview candidates and submit the names of up to 2 (with a maximum of one international) candidate for interview by DTP panels Early/Mid February DTP interview panels and ranking of applicants Late February Confirmation of offers This article was published on 2024-09-24