Taught element requirements and course information. Image 3.5 year programme: You will complete the 3.5 year version of the programme if you have previously completed a Master's degree. University of Edinburgh students are required to complete 90 credits in total to satisfy the taught element of the programme. For University of Glasgow student requirements, please refer to the University of Glasgow website. 4 year programme: You will complete the 4 year version of the programme if you have not previously completed a Master's degree. University of Edinburgh students are required to complete 180 credits in total to satisfy the taught element of the programme. You are permitted to undertake the 4 year programme if you already have a Master's degree if, after discussion with your supervisor, the 4 year programme is more beneficial for your academic progress. For University of Glasgow student requirements, please refer to the University of Glasgow website. Compulsory Courses There are a number of mandatory courses that must be undertaken as part of the Precision Medicine programme. These courses total 50 credits. Year Course Title Credits 1 Precision Medicine Introduction 20 credits 1 Precision Medicine Project Proposal 20 credits 2 Public Engagement and Communication of Precision Medicine 10 credits Student-Led Individually Created Course [SLICC] You also have the option of doing a 20 credit Student-Led Individually Created Course [SLICC]. 4 year students are expected to complete a SLICC each year for the first 3 years of your PhD. Students completing an iCase project (whether a 3.5 or 4 year student), are required to complete a SLICC reflecting on their placement, making it an integral and assessed part of their programme. SLICC is a university-wide framework for self-designed experiential learning, where students reflect throughout their chosen experience, by the development of an e-portfolio to provide evidence of their learning. As a participating student, undertaking a SLICC will enable you to create a learning experience which is unique to you, while demonstrating your learning and academic achievement against defined learning outcomes. Year Course Title Credits Flexible Student-Led Individually Created Course for Precision Medicine 20 credits This article was published on 2024-09-24