Taught element requirements and course information for Years 1 - 3 of your programme. The taught element of this programme is delivered using a combination of on-campus and online distance learning (ODL) courses offered by both the University of Edinburgh and the University of Glasgow. You should take travel plans into account when selecting your courses and note if they are delivered on-campus or online. Courses could include a mix of on-campus or online tutorials, multimedia interactive learning materials, peer-to-peer discussion and independent study. Due to the wide ranging courses and contributing disciplines (from the Humanities, Sciences and Medicine) within this Programme, course delivery methods may be unique to each course and differ from one another. Image Students must comply with any assessment requirements specific to their degree programme and the University’s taught assessment regulations for the current academic session: http://www.ed.ac.uk/academic-services/staff/assessment/assessment-regulations For the taught element of this programme, each course has its own specific criteria by which assignments will be assessed – you will find these in the course guides. All criteria are developed, however, with reference to the principles of the University’s Postgraduate Common Marking Scheme (CMS4): https://www.ed.ac.uk/timetabling-examinations/exams/regulations/common-marking-scheme Choosing Courses For guidance on choosing courses see the Course Selection page of this website. Recognition of Prior Learning If you have completed a masters programme prior to joining the Precision Medicine Doctoral Training Programme, you will be likely be assigned Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) credits totalling 90 credits meaning you will only be required to complete 30 credits which should be taken over two specialisms. This will be confirmed upon review of your completed Training Needs Analysis. Students with a previous BSc only (rather than an MSc qualification) will likely focus on all three specialisms throughout this programme. Taught Course Failure 4 Year Programme Students There are no resit opportunities for postgraduate students, should a student fail a taught course they may be eligible for Credits Awarded on Aggregate for the failed course as per Taught Assessment Regulation 56 When all the marks for the taught components of the programme (120 credits) are available, if the student has achieved PASS marks in at least 80 credits and has an overall average of 40% or more over the full 120 credits, then they will be awarded credits on aggregate for the failed courses. The award of Credits on Aggregate can only be confirmed once the full 120 credits of taught components have been completed and will be done so by the Precision Medicine Progression Committee. 3.5 Year Programme Students There are no resit opportunities for postgraduate students, should a student fail a taught courses, they will need to take additional credits the following year. Permission to do so is granted by the Precision Medicine Progression Committee. Students on the 3.5 year programme are not eligible to receive Credits Awarded on Aggregate. This article was published on 2024-09-24