Priority Setting in Global Health Economics: RESPIRE online course now open

RESPIRE has launched a new online course, covering tools and methods used in priority setting in global health economics

A new online course which gives a comprehensive grounding in the tools and methods widely used in priority setting in global health economics is now open to learners. 

The course, named Priority Setting in Global Health Economics, was developed and delivered in a summer school as part of capacity building within the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE). Now the course is available in an online format for learners to study in their free time.  

Three tools and one method 

The course covers three tools and one method for prioritisation and monitoring and evaluation of global health programmes:  

  • The EQUIST (Equitable Impact Sensitive Tool for Prioritising Health Interventions) tool 

  • The PATHS tool 

  • The PLANET tool 

  • The CHNRI (Child Health and Nutrition Research Initiative) method 

The course has tutorials guiding learners through the tools themselves and case studies covering how they have been used in multiple countries. It allows students to understand and apply multiple resources to map, identify and use available data and set priorities in an equitable way.  

Potential learners 

The Priority Setting in Global Health Economics course should benefit both academic institutions and national governments. It is also aimed at international scholars and researchers in a broad range of fields:  

  • clinical researchers 

  • epidemiology and public health 

  • medical statistics and informatics  

  • policy research 

  • social science 

  • ethics 

  • health and development economics 

Access the course materials

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