A selection of news from RESPIRE in 2019, including the announcement of new Fellowships and projects

News listing

Publication date

Priorities for primary care respiratory research published

04 February, 2022

A global prioritisation exercise has identified the current respiratory research needs of primary…

RESPIRE impact on rural respiratory health services in Pune, India

28 September, 2021

RESPIRE projects in Pune, India having a profound impact on the health of rural communities

"I carry an inhaler everywhere I go in the event of an asthma attack." | Lim Zhuo Yan, 17

17 August, 2021

Asthma isn’t something that everyone can overcome and fight

"I learned to cope with my asthma positively" | Shaena Jilaysha Perera, 15

17 August, 2021

The day I had felt most like a monster was the day I should have been the happiest.

"Sports help me to build stamina and train my lungs to work more efficiently." | Loo Shu Hinn, 17

17 August, 2021

The most common symptom I have is becoming breathless after coming into contact with allergens

"If you want to take part in sports, go for it!" | Darrell Pan Li Ren, 12

17 August, 2021

I discovered that I had asthma at the age of 8 in third grade

"I believe keeping my symptoms under control is good enough to lead a comfortable life" | Nurin Amina Tan, 14

17 August, 2021

I began to understand that it was a medical condition I had to suffer from for the rest of my life

"I followed an Asthma Action Plan, which was effective" | Tham Su Ming, 25

17 August, 2021

I initially thought that I had outgrown the disease

"Always being prepared with an inhaler allows me to continue to participate in sports” | Ilia Jauharis, 24

17 August, 2021

I believe knowing your triggers and limits, having a plan, and being prepared helps to manage your…