Postgraduate Research Degrees

The Usher Institute is an excellent location for undertaking research degrees. We offer opportunities to study for a PhD, MPhil, MD or MSc by Research.

Our three postgraduate research programmes are: Population Health Sciences, Global Health and Medical Informatics. We offer PhD/MPhil/MD/MSc by Research.

Follow the flow chart to guide you through the steps for applying to study for a research degree at the Usher Institute.

We strongly encourage you to get in touch with a potential supervisor before making an application.

Currently available funded PhD studentships

There are various potential sources of funding to support postgraduate research degree study.

When you have worked through the flow chart on our 'thinking about applying' page, you may well be ready to make an application.

The Usher Institute Postgraduate Research Degree Committee oversees the Usher Institute Postgraduate Research Degree Programmes.