Although many staff work across Centres within the Usher Institute, this page lists staff who have a primary affiliation with the Centre for Medical Informatics. Professors and other senior academicsThe senior academic team in the Centre for Global Health: Professors, Readers, Senior academics, Chancellor's Fellows and other Fellowship holders. Name(sorted in ascending order)RoleCalum Arthur Luciana D'AdderioChancellor's FellowMiguel O. BernabeuProfessor of Computational MedicineMatt BouamraneChancellor's FellowKathrin CresswellProfessor of Digital Innovations in Health and CareAnnemarie DochertyWellcome Clinical Research Career Development FellowshipEwen HarrisonProfessor of Surgery and Data Science, Head of Centre for Medical InformaticsJulie JackoChair of Health Informatics and Data Science and Interim Director, Usher InstituteTracy JacksonSenior Research Fellow, Patient and Public Involvement LeadSteven KerrChancellor's FellowSaturnino LuzProfessor of Digital Biomarkers and Precision MedicineAndrew MorrisProfessor of Medicine / Vice-Principal Data ScienceKristin NicodemusChancellor's Fellow / Senior Lecturer(Syed) Ahmar ShahChancellor's Fellow | Senior Research Fellow | Director of InnovationKatie ShawSenior LecturerSir Aziz SheikhProfessor of Primary Care Research and DevelopmentSarah StockProfessor of Maternal and Fetal HealthCatherine SudlowProfessor of Neurology and Clinical EpidemiologyOlivia SwannSenior Clinical Research FellowHolly TibbleChancellor's FellowThanasis TsanasProfessor of Digital Health and Data Science / Director of Knowledge Exchange and Research ImpactDebbie WakeClinical Reader in Medical Informatics and Diabetes Care & Education Research and teaching Research and teaching staff working on projects and programmes led by the senior team. Name(sorted in ascending order)RoleShima AbdullateefPostdoctoral Research FellowFatima AlmaghrabiPostdoctoral Research FellowSara BeaPost-Doctoral Research FellowMalcolm CameronResearch AssistantLuke DainesClinical Research FellowSofia De La Fuente GarciaResearch Fellow Pilot Studies and EvaluationSarah ElliotResearch AssistantRomain EnjalbertResearch FellowNusa FaricResearch FellowLidis GarbovanResearch Fellow (Citizen Panel Lead)Samuel GibbonResearch Fellow in Retinal Image AnalysisDavid HardmanResearch FellowSusan HinderResearch FellowMalihe JavidiResearch Fellow on Computer Vision in MedicineKaren JeffreyResearch FellowEmma KinleyPPI Research FellowIan PiperData AnalystAna Paula RubioRetinal Imaging Research AssociateStina SaundersPostdoc Data AnalystShane SheehanResearch FellowSarah SpenceTeaching FellowTheresa IkegwuonuResearch FellowAneeta SylolypavanResearch FellowMathew ThorpeResearch AssistantClaire TochelResearch Fellow (SCONE)Yue ZhangResearch Fellow Professional services Professional services and technical staff working on projects and programmes led by the senior academic team, and supporting Centre activities. Name(sorted in ascending order)RoleDominique BalharryGlobal Respiratory Health Research ManagerJoanne Blair-GrayPersonal Assistant to the Director of the Usher InstituteAmanda BradburnCommunications and Finance OfficerDavid BuchananData ManagerKirsteen CampbellCommunications and Engagement Officer, UK LLCNeil ClarkData AnalystIwona CzerwinskaProgramme CoordinatorJulie DavidsonInstitute AdministratorMorag EdwardsRESPIRE Operations CoordinatorRobin FlaigChief Operations Officer, Generation ScotlandLaura Gonzalez RiendaPPI Research and Operations AssistantWendy Inglis HumphreyMVM Head of Operations and PlanningAi LimRESPIRE Programmes and Trial ManagerChun LinData AnalystStela McLachlanResearch ManagerPaula MikaResearch AdministratorRiinu Pius (Ots)Senior Data ManagerLily QuinlanResearch AdministratorMairi RedmanIHDP PA/ AdministratorNatalia Reglinska-MatveyevResearch & Operations ManagerFiona StrachanIHDP Chief Operating OfficerLinda TaitCentre AdministratorSerena TricaricoHDR UK Scotland ManagerRebecca WhitehornResearch Administrator This article was published on 2024-09-24