Population Health Sciences staff list

Although many staff work across Centres within the Usher Institute, this page lists staff who have a primary affiliation with the Centre for Population Health Sciences.

Professors and other senior academics

The senior academic team in the Centre for Population Health Sciences: Professors, Readers, Senior academics, Chancellor's Fellows and other Fellowship holders.

Purva AbhyankarSenior Research Fellow (FRESHAIR4Life)
Niall AndersonSenior Lecturer of Medical Statistics
Linda BauldBruce and John Usher Professor of Public Health | Co-Head of Centre for Population Health Sciences
Kirsty BoydReader in Palliative Care
Christine CampbellReader
Gareth CleggSenior Clinical Lecturer
Tom CravenMSc Critical Care Programme Director
Fiona DobbieSenior Lecturer in Public Health
Andrew DuckworthSenior Clinical Lecturer
Karen FairhurstProfessor of Student Learning in Primary Care
David GriffithReader
Bruce GuthrieProfessor of General Practice
Jeni HardenProfessor of Social Sciences in Medicine
Caroline JacksonChancellor's Fellow / Senior Lecturer
Julia LawtonProfessor of Health and Social Science
Nazir LoneProfessor of of Critical Care and Epidemiology
Margaret MacDougallMedical Statistician and Researcher in Education
Alasdair MacLullichProfessor of Geriatric Medicine
Paul McKeigueProfessor of Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical Genetics
Gillian MeadProfessor of Stroke and Elderly Care Medicine
Stewart MercerProfessor of Primary Care and Multimorbidity
Claudia PagliariSenior Lecturer
Hilary PinnockProfessor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine
Roy RobertsonProfessor of Addiction Medicine
Susan D ShenkinProfessor of Healthcare for Older People, Ageing and Health, University of Edinburgh | Honorary Consultant, NHS Lothian
Athina SpiliopoulouChancellor's Fellow
Devi SridharProfessor of Global Public Health
Timothy WalshProfessor of Critical Care | Director of Innovation for NHS Lothian, and Health Innovation South East Scotland
David WellerJames Mackenzie Professor of General Practice | Programme Co-Director (Master of Family Medicine) | Co-Head of Centre for Population Health Sciences
Sarah WildProfessor of Epidemiology

Research and teaching

Research and teaching staff working on projects and programmes led by the senior team.

Sam AndresResearch Annotator
Stella ArakelyanResearch Fellow
Liliana Arias UrueñaResearch Fellow
William BerthonBiostatistician / Epidemiologist / Health Data Scientist
Nicola BoydellLecturer in Social Science and Public Health
Arlene CaseyResearch Fellow in Health Data Research
Debbie CaversResearch Fellow
Mia ClossResearch Fellow
Gwenetta CurryReader
Maria De LutzResearch Fellow
Rachel DlugatchResearch Fellow (Qualitative)
Eddie DonaghyResearch Fellow
Agata DunsmoreClinical Teacher
Helen EborallSenior Lecturer
Genevie FernandesResearch Fellow in Global Health Governance and Respiratory
Kelly FleetwoodStatistician
Helen FrostResearch Fellow (ACRC)
Neil GallacherSenior Lecturer
Nynke HalbesmaProgramme Co-Director online MPH | Co-Director of Students for Deanery of Molecular Genetic and Population Health Sciences
Stephanie HardleyTeaching Fellow
Niamh HartResearch Fellow (BR-UK)
Ruth HartResearch Fellow
David HendersonQuantitative Research Fellow
Dr Leonard HoVisiting Researcher (ACRC)
Mike HolderAcademic Fellow in General Practice
Huayi HuangResearch Fellow (Qualitative)
Brian KellyMedical Statistician
Felicity KnightsTeaching Fellow
Marie LarssonResearch Fellow (Qualitative)
Chase LedinLecturer in Social Science and Medicine
Clare MacRae MBChB MRCGP MRCPCHMRC Clinical Research Training Fellow
Bruce MasonResearch Fellow
Aoife MckennaResearch Assistant
Joe MellorInformatician (Machine Learning Specialist)
Martine MillerResearch Fellow
Vicky MoynihanResearch Assistant
Lauren NgAcademic Fellow in General Practice
David ObreeArchie Duncan Fellow in Medical Ethics and Fellow in Medical Education
Marian PeacockResearch Fellow (Qualitative)
Rose PenfoldResearch Fellow: Wellcome
Regina PriggeMedical Statistician; Lecturer in Epidemiology
Carys PughACRC Quantitative analyst/Statistician
Reshma RajagopalGP Clinical Teacher
David RankinResearch Fellow
Stella RhodeResearch Assistant
Amy RodgerResearch Fellow (BR-UK)
Alix RolfeDirector of GP Undergraduate Teaching (Senior Clinical Lecturer)
Clare SharpResearch Fellow (Qualitative), PaCCT
Lorna SinclairTeaching Fellow
Jean StaffordACRC Fellow
Kieran SweeneyAcademic Fellow in General Practice
Katherina ToberGP Clinical Teacher
Tricia ToomanACRC Research Fellow
Amanda VettiniResearch Fellow
Tracey Wagner-RizviResearch Fellow

Professional services

Professional services and technical staff working on projects and programmes led by the senior academic team, and supporting Centre activities.

Lynn AndersonCentre Administrator, Centre for Population Health Sciences | Personal Assistant to Professor David Weller
Jacqui CalderTrial Assistant
Dawn CampbellPersonal Assistant to Professor Tim Walsh | Administrative Secretary
Anna CrawfordPatient and Public Involvement and Engagement Officer
Karolína DuškováGroup Administrator
Lesley GardnerPersonal Assistant to Professor Sarah Wild
Gregor HallACRC Administrator
Vicky HammersleyIMP2ART Programme Manager / Research Fellow – Allergy and Respiratory Research Group
Maureen HardingAdministrative Secretary
Louise HartleyProgramme Coordinator (ACRC)
Emily HealySenior Research Administrator
Daria IhnatenkoPatient and Public Involvement and Engagement Co-ordinator (Maternity Cover)
Lisa MacInnesLead Research Nurse
Rob MackieCommunication Officer, ACRC
Sancha MartinConsortium Manager
Kate MassiePersonal Assistant to Professor Linda Bauld
Lucy McCloughanProgramme Manager, Advanced Care Research Centre
Janice MurrayACRC Partnerships & Communications Manager
Angela NivenProject Manager / Senior Research Fellow
Jayne RichardsPersonal Assistant to Professor Bruce Guthrie and Professor Stewart Mercer
Jenny SharmaPatient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Co-ordinator
Dominika SkrockaProject Coordinator / Senior Research Administrator (SALFS)