Usher Institute staff

All academic, research and professional services staff from across the Usher Institute.

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Centre staff lists

Interested in our sub-units? View staff lists split by primary Centre/Unit affiliation:

Global Health - staff list

Medical Informatics - staff list

Population Health Sciences - staff list

Biomedicine, Self and Society - staff list managed on separate website (note the staff list includes members of the Biomedicine, Self and Society team from across The University of Edinburgh in addition to Usher Institute staff)

Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit - staff list managed on separate website

We also have staff based in our Teaching Organisation, in teams working within our Health and Social Care Data-Driven Innovation Programme, and our Core Professional Services teams (see our Contact us page)

Full Usher Institute staff list


Luciana D'AdderioChancellor's Fellow
Michael AbbottResearch Fellow in Health Economics
Shima AbdullateefPostdoctoral Research Fellow
Purva AbhyankarResearch Fellow (PURE)
Marta AdamczykAssistant Trial Manager
Imad AdamestamClinical Trial Statistician
Lorraine AdamsonClinical Trials Administrator
Tahira AkbarService Manager
Naseerah AkoojiStatistician
Viraj AlawaData Manager
Fatima AlmaghrabiPostdoctoral Research Fellow
Lynn AndersonCentre Administrator, Centre for Population Health Sciences | Personal Assistant to Professor David Weller
Niall AndersonSenior Lecturer of Medical Statistics
Sam AndresResearch Annotator
Stella ArakelyanResearch Fellow
Liliana Arias UrueñaResearch Fellow
Catherine ArkwrightTrial Management Support Officer
Ruth ArmstrongData Manager
Calum ArthurSenior Lecturer in Surgical Performance
Thulani AshcroftTeaching Fellow, UNCOVER Project Manager
Sophie AthertonResearch Fellow
Katie AtkinsChancellor's Fellow & Reader
Karolina BajbuzProgramme Administrator
Jean BalchinCommunication and Engagement Officer
Dominique BalharryGlobal Respiratory Health Research Manager
Kasia BanasUndergraduate Talent Lead and Programme Director | Co-Director of Students for Deanery of Molecular Genetic and Population Health Sciences
Ailsa BarclayACRC Administrator
Claire BattisonTrial Manager
Linda BauldBruce and John Usher Professor of Public Health | Co-Head of Centre for Population Health Sciences
Sara BeaResearch Fellow
Miguel O. BernabeuProfessor of Computational Medicine
William BerthonBiostatistician / Epidemiologist / Health Data Scientist
Gayle BeveridgeTrial Manager
Emma BirleyResearch Assistant (UNCOVER)
Lottie Bishop-HurmanData Analyst – Data Enabled Clinical Trials
Joanne Blair-GrayPersonal Assistant to the Director of the Usher Institute
Brittany BlankinshipLecturer in Data Science
Jenny BosPublic Engagement and Knowledge Exchange Manager
Matt BouamraneChancellor's Fellow
Julia BoydSenior Trial Manager
Kirsty BoydReader in Palliative Care
Nicola BoydellLecturer in Social Science and Public Health
Amanda BradburnCommunications and Finance Officer
Dr David P BreenSenior Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant Neurologist
Corinna BremerOperations Coordinator
Anny BriolaClinical Trials Statistician
Kate BrittonUsher Operations Manager
Cathryn BroderickSystematic Review Methodologist
David BuchananData Manager
Susan BuckinghamHead of Communications, Marketing and Engagement
Erin CadgerData Analyst
Jacqui CalderTrial Assistant
Clara CalvertChancellor's Fellow in Global Challenges
Malcolm CameronResearch Assistant
Christine CampbellReader
Dawn CampbellPersonal Assistant to Professor Tim Walsh | Administrative Secretary
Harry CampbellProfessor of Genetic Epidemiology and Public Health
Kirsteen CampbellCommunications and Engagement Officer, UK LLC
Arlene CaseyResearch Fellow in Health Data Research
Andrew CastleOpen Research Administrator
Dawn CattanachGraphic designer
Debbie CaversResearch Fellow
Bran CervenakInstitute Facilities Manager
Kit ChanChancellor's Fellow & Reader
Sarah ChanReader/ Chancellor's Fellow
Sam ChaseProgramme Administrator
Stephanie CholbiAssistant Trial Manager
Amy ChongData Analyst
Neil ClarkData Analyst
Gareth CleggSenior Clinical Lecturer
Mia ClossResearch Fellow
Jess ConwayCommunications and Engagement Officer (currently on secondment to Press Office)
Lucy CourageProgramme Administrator
Lauren CraigTrial Manager
Shona CraikTrial Management Support Officer
Denise CranleyTrial Manager
Gina CranswickSenior Trial Team Manager
Tom CravenMSc Critical Care Programme Director (Clinical Senior Lecturer)
Anna CrawfordPatient and Public Involvement and Engagement Officer
Kathrin CresswellProfessor of Digital Innovations in Health and Care
Matthew CullInterdisciplinary Research Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and Society
Sarah Cunningham-BurleyProfessor of Medical and Family Sociology / Co-Head of Centre for Biomedicine, Self and Society
Gwenetta CurryReader
Iwona CzerwinskaProgramme Coordinator
Kenton D'MellowData Management & Programming Team Lead
Luke DainesClinical Research Fellow
Ellie Dawe BlackBR-UK Administrator
Sofia De La Fuente GarciaResearch Fellow (Pilot Studies and Evaluation)
Maria De LutzPostdoctoral Research Fellow
Giulia De TogniChancellor's Fellow
Afshan DeanSenior Lecturer
Lisa DerrSenior Trial Manager - Start-up Specialist
Lorna DewarTrial Manager
Lynn DinsmoreTrial Manager
Rachel DlugatchResearch Fellow (Qualitative)
Fiona DobbieSenior Lecturer in Public Health
Annemarie DochertyWellcome Clinical Research Career Development Fellowship
Eddie DonaghyResearch Fellow
Keith DouglasTeaching Fellow
Dr Thomas Drake 
Andrew DuckworthSenior Clinical Lecturer
Stuart DunbarEngagement Manager
Agata DunsmoreClinical Teacher
Karolína DuškováGroup Administrator
Helen EborallSenior Lecturer
Morag EdwardsRESPIRE Operations Coordinator
Sarah ElliotResearch Assistant
Justin EngelmannMachine Learning Scientist in Fetal Medicine Data Science
Romain EnjalbertResearch Fellow
Hannah EnsorResearch Fellow
Buddhi ErabaddaResearch Fellow (Software Engineer / Machine Learning Scientist)
Angelo EricaTeaching Fellow
Christine EvansProgramme Deputy Director, On Campus MPH
Michelle EvansTalent Lead for Health & Social Care sector of the Data Driven Innovation (DDI) programme| Director of MSc Data Science for Health and Social Care
Shedrack EzuDataLoch Hub Data Analyst
Karen FairhurstProfessor of Student Learning in Primary Care
Nusa FaricResearch Fellow
David FearonTeaching Fellow - Master of Family Medicine (online)
Candida FentonInformation Specialist/Systematic Review Methodologist, Cochrane Vascular Group
Genevie FernandesResearch Fellow in Global Health Governance and Respiratory
Robin FlaigChief Operations Officer, Generation Scotland
Kelly FleetwoodStatistician
Monica FletcherHonorary Research Fellow
Kitty FlynnCommunications, Marketing and Engagement Officer
Andrea FordResearch Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and Society: Beyond Disease
Joana FormosinhoInterdisciplinary Research Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and Society
Laura ForsythTrial Manager
Mavis FrempongLearning Designer
Helen FrostResearch Fellow (ACRC)
Neil GallacherSenior Lecturer
Lidis GarbovanResearch Fellow (Citizen Panel Lead)
Jaime Garcia IglesiasChancellor's Fellow
Lesley GardnerPersonal Assistant to Professor Sarah Wild
Élaina Gauthier-MamarilInterdisciplinary Research Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and Society
Samuel GibbonResearch Fellow in Retinal Imaging
James GibsonLecturer
Annabel GiddingsAssistant Trial Manager
Holly GilmourTrial Management Support Officer
Hannah GlasserCentre Administrator
Pauline GoldingTeaching Fellow - MPH (online)
Sarah GolightlyPostgraduate Research Support Officer
Laura Gonzalez RiendaPPI Research and Operations Assistant
Su GoopyPGT Research Manager
Melita GordonAXA Chair of Vaccinology and Global Health
Elvina GountounaData Manager
Liz GrantProfessor of Global Health and Development/ Director Global Health Academy / Assistant Principal Global Health / Programme Co-Director (MSc Global eHealth, Global Health Challenges, Master of Family Medicine)
Paula GrieveResearch Finance & Business Support Manager
David GriffithReader
Bruce GuthrieProfessor of General Practice
Nynke HalbesmaProgramme Co-Director online MPH | Co-Director of Students for Deanery of Molecular Genetic and Population Health Sciences
Gregor HallACRC Administrator
Vicky HammersleyIMP2ART Programme Manager / Research Fellow – Allergy and Respiratory Research Group
Jeni HardenProfessor of Social Sciences in Medicine
Maureen HardingAdministrative Secretary
Stephanie HardleyTeaching Fellow
David HardmanResearch Fellow
Ronnie HarkessSenior Software Developer
Ewen HarrisonProfessor of Surgery and Data Science, Head of Centre for Medical Informatics
Kathy HarrisonDataloch Programme Lead
Michelle HartDeputy Teaching Manager / Digital Education Manager
Niamh HartResearch Fellow (BR-UK)
Ruth HartResearch Fellow
Louise HartleyProgramme Coordinator (ACRC)
Sara HatamData Scientist
Louise HatherallPostdoctoral Research Fellow
Raza HayatTrial Management Support Officer
Emily HealySenior Research Administrator
David HendersonQuantitative Research Fellow
Anna HeyeTrial Manager
Susan HinderResearch Fellow
Dr Leonard HoVisiting Researcher (ACRC)
Samuel HoareTeaching Fellow, Master of Public Health (online and on campus)
Mike HolderAcademic Fellow in General Practice
Prema HowardMarketing and Recruitment Lead 
Huayi HuangResearch Fellow (Qualitative)
Colleen HubbardPartner Engagment and Marketing Lead - Health and Social Care Data Driven Innovation
Daria IhnatenkoPatient and Public Involvement and Engagement Co-ordinator (Maternity Cover)
Karen InnesSenior Trial Manager - start up specialist
Sian IrvineTrial Manager
Julie JackoChair of Health Informatics and Data Science and Interim Director, Usher Institute
Caroline JacksonChancellor's Fellow / Senior Lecturer
Tracy JacksonSenior Research Fellow, Patient and Public Involvement Lead
Claire JankowskaCommunications and Engagement Officer
Malihe JavidiResearch Fellow on Computer Vision in Medicine
Karen JeffreyResearch Fellow
Elli JohnstonAdministrative Assistant
John JohnstonClinical Trials Administrator
Catriona KeerieAssistant Statistical Director (Commercial)
Markéta KellerTeaching Fellow
Brian KellyMedical Statistician
Sebastien KenmoeResearch Fellow
Titouan KennelClinical Trials Statistician
Katherine KentistouMRC Research Fellow
Professor Tim KerbyVisiting Lecturer
Steven KerrChancellor's Fellow
Emma KinleyPPI Research Fellow
Theresa KirkpatrickProject Coordinator
Felicity KnightsTeaching Fellow
Yoo Koung (Y.K.) KoData Analyst
Judit KutiData Analyst
Marie LarssonResearch Fellow (Qualitative)
Julia LawtonProfessor of Health and Social Science
Chase LedinLecturer in Social Science and Medicine
Robert LeeSenior Statistician
Rebecca LeesResearch Finance Administrator
Elizabeth LemmonLecturer
Hannah LepperResearch Fellow in Mathematical Modelling
Sharon LevyCPD Lead Data Driven Innovation Talent Team
Katherine LewisTrial Management Support Officer
Steff LewisProfessor of Medical Statistics
Ai LimRESPIRE Programmes and Trial Manager
Chun LinData Analyst
Chris LinsleyData Manager
Rachel LochertyTrial Manager
Nazir LoneProfessor of of Critical Care and Epidemiology
Rachael LoweHDR UK Scotland Research Programme Coordinator | Content Officer
Mark LucheriniTeaching Fellow
Saturnino LuzProfessor of Digital Biomarkers and Precision Medicine
Mathew LyonsSCREDS Clinical Lecturer in Anaesthesia
Alix MacdonaldTrial Manager
Margaret MacDougallMedical Statistician and Researcher in Education
Lisa MacInnesLead Research Nurse
Rob MackieCommunication Officer, ACRC
Morag MacLeanSenior Trial Manager
Catherine MacLeodResearch Fellow
Alasdair MacLullichProfessor of Geriatric Medicine
Julie MacMillanAdministration & HR Coordinator
Clare MacRaeMRC Clinical Research Training Fellow
Christina MainkaLecturer
Sophie Marion de ProceStatistics Teaching Fellow
Laura MarshallEvents Manager
Sancha MartinConsortium Manager
Bruce MasonResearch Fellow
Kate MassiePersonal Assistant to Professor Linda Bauld
Magdalena MazurczakFinance Administrator
Sarah McCallumMPH (Full time) Operations Coordinator
Haruno McCartneyResearch Assistant
Lucy McCloughanProgramme Manager, Advanced Care Research Centre
Lynne McGillivrayECTU Business and Quality Assurance Administrator
Paul McKeigueProfessor of Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical Genetics
Aoife MckennaResearch Assistant
Stela McLachlanResearch Manager
Franziska McManusTeaching Assistant
Ruth McQuillanCo-Lead UNCOVER (Usher Network for COVID Evidence Reviews), Programme Co-Director (Master of Integrated Global Health - online), Reader
Emilie McswigganTeaching Fellow - MPH Online; ACRC PhD Student
Gillian MeadProfessor of Stroke and Elderly Care Medicine
Felicity Vidya MehendaleSenior Lecturer
Magda MekkyTeaching Fellow (MPH online)
Joe MellorInformatician (Machine Learning Specialist)
Stewart MercerProfessor of Primary Care and Multimorbidity
Ines Mesa EguiagarayStatistical Geneticist
Paula MikaResearch Administrator
Laura MillerFinance Assistant
Martine MillerResearch Fellow
Nicholas MillsBritish Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiology | Consultant Cardiologist | Lead for Data-Driven Innovation in Health and Social Care
Garry MilneSoftware Developer
Lynsey MilneData Manager
Andrew MorrisProfessor of Medicine / Vice-Principal Data Science
Elaine MowatProgramme Manager, Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland (LDTS) Programme
Vicky MoynihanResearch Assistant
Charlotte MundenPostgraduate Administrator
Janice MurrayACRC Partnerships & Communications Manager
Sarah MurrayCommunications and Engagement Officer
Matthew MurrellData Analyst
Harish NairProfessor of Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Global Health, Co-Head of Centre for Global Health
Aileen NeilsonSenior Health Economist
Louisa NewbiggingMarketing and Recruitment Lead (Maternity Cover)
Matt NewlandsProgramme Administrator
Lauren NgAcademic Fellow in General Practice
Yen Culley NguyenInternal Periodic Review Coordinator
Kristin NicodemusChancellor's Fellow / Senior Lecturer
Angela NivenProject Manager / Senior Research Fellow
Erin NobleResearch Assistant
John NorrieProfessor of Medical Statistics and Trial Methodology / Director of Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit
Amy NugentAssistant Trial Manager
Alicia Nunez-GarciaResearch Fellow
Derek O'SullivanDataLoch Developer
Kat OateyTrial Manager
David ObreeArchie Duncan Fellow in Medical Ethics and Fellow in Medical Education
Pawel OrzechowskiLecturer in Programming for Data Science
Richard Osei-YeboahResearch Fellow
Claudia PagliariSenior Lecturer
Zoe PaigeCommunity Marketing Lead
Richard ParkerSenior Research Fellow
Sarah ParkinFinance Administrator
Karissa Robyn PattonInterdisciplinary Research Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and Society
James PayneResearch Administrator
Marian PeacockResearch Fellow (Qualitative)
Rose PenfoldResearch Fellow: Wellcome
Dan Perez VicencioTeaching Assistant
Martyn PickersgillProfessor of the Sociology of Science and Medicine
Hilary PinnockProfessor of Primary Care Respiratory Medicine
Ian PiperData Analyst
Riinu Pius (Ots)Senior Data Manager
Evgeniya PlotnikovaLecturer in Public Health Research and Education
Roz PollockClinical Trial Statistician
Karen PonderAssistant Trial Manager
Jennifer PorteousData Analyst
Rosemary PorteousODL Programme Administrator (Master of Public Health – online)
Stephen PowellData Acquisition Manager
Jackie PriceProfessor of Molecular Epidemiology
Regina PriggeMedical Statistician; Lecturer in Epidemiology
Carys PughACRC Quantitative analyst/Statistician
Reshma RajagopalGP Clinical Teacher
Robin RamsayClinical Programme Director
David RankinResearch Fellow
Phillip RaysonAssistant Trial Manager
Mairi RedmanIHDP PA/ Administrator
Natalia Reglinska-MatveyevResearch & Operations Manager
Stella RhodeResearch Assistant
Jayne RichardsPersonal Assistant to Professor Bruce Guthrie and Professor Stewart Mercer
Hannah RickmanAssistant Trial Manager
Roy RobertsonProfessor of Addiction Medicine
Colan RobinsonTeaching Fellow
Amy RodgerResearch Fellow (BR-UK)
Aryelly RodriguezResearch Fellow
Neneh Rowa-DewarSenior Lecturer | Co-Director (MPH online) | Director of Quality DMGPHS
Ana Paula RubioRetinal Imaging Research Associate
Oscar Rubio BarberFinance Assistant
Igor RudanProfessor of International Health and Molecular Medicine, Co-Head of Centre for Global Health
Brenda SaettaUsher Institute Secretary
Professor Rustam Al-Shahi SalmanProfessor of clinical neurology
Micol SalvettoResearch Fellow
Matt SandersTechnologist (C1) (PAO - IT)
Stina SaundersPostdoc Data Analyst
Gillian ScottTrial Manager
Stephanie ScottProject Administrator
Bea SelbyTrial Manager
Nayha SethiSenior Lecturer
Rebecca SewellProgramme Administrator
(Syed) Ahmar ShahChancellor's Fellow | Senior Research Fellow | Director of Innovation
Jenny SharmaPatient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Co-ordinator
Clare SharpResearch Fellow (Qualitative), PaCCT
Katie ShawSenior Lecturer
Shane SheehanResearch Fellow
Sir Aziz SheikhProfessor of Primary Care Research and Development
Susan D ShenkinProfessor of Healthcare for Older People, Ageing and Health, University of Edinburgh | Honorary Consultant, NHS Lothian
Ting ShiChancellor's Fellow
Anita ShuklaHR Administrative Assistant
Lorna SinclairTeaching Fellow
Pamela SinclairECTU Business Manager
Dominika SkrockaProject Coordinator / Senior Research Administrator (SALFS)
Vivien SmithDirector of Professional Services, Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences
Roshini SooriyarachchiClinical Trials Statistician
Karen SooyResearch Development Advisor
Sarah SpenceTeaching Fellow
Athina SpiliopoulouChancellor's Fellow
Devi SridharProfessor of Global Public Health
Jean StaffordACRC Fellow
Rachel StanleyHR Administrative Assistant
Theresa IkegwuonuResearch Fellow
Anna OrmeConsortium Manager (SPECTRUM)
Jacqueline StephenSenior Statistician
Kelly StewartAssistant Trial Manager
Laura StewartLecturer (Clinical Trials Online)
Marlene StewartManaging Editor Cochrane Peripheral Vascular Diseases Review Group
Sarah StockProfessor of Maternal and Fetal Health
Andrew StoddartSenior Health Economist
Fiona StrachanIHDP Chief Operating Officer
Catherine SudlowProfessor of Neurology and Clinical Epidemiology
Yuhao SunTeaching Assistant / Tutor
Julia SwallowWellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Humanities and Social Sciences
Kieran SweeneyAcademic Fellow in General Practice
Aneeta SylolypavanResearch Fellow
Linda TaitCentre Administrator
Agnes TelloSenior Research Development Manager
Evropi TheodoratouProfessor of Cancer Epidemiology and Global Health
Lorna ThompsonCentre for Biomedicine, Self and Society Administrator / Personal Assistant to Professor Devi Sridhar
Abbi ThomsonProgramme Administrator
Emma ThomsonHR Adminsitrator
Joyce ThomsonECTU Chief Operating Officer
Mathew ThorpeResearch Assistant
Holly TibbleChancellor's Fellow
Amy TilbrookDataloch Information Governance Facilitator
Katherina ToberGP Clinical Teacher
Claire TochelResearch Fellow (SCONE)
Tricia ToomanACRC Research Fellow
Serena TricaricoHDR UK Scotland Manager
Thanasis TsanasProfessor of Digital Health and Data Science / Director of Knowledge Exchange and Research Impact
Sharon TuckSenior Statistician
Elizabeth VargheseClinical Trials Statistician
Christy VaughanReceptionist / Administrative Assistant
Laia Ventura GarciaUKRI Guarantee Postdoctoral Fellow
Amanda VettiniResearch Fellow
Tony WackettData Management & Programming Architect
Jennifer WaddellTrial Manager
Tracey Wagner-RizviResearch Fellow
Debbie WakeClinical Reader in Medical Informatics and Diabetes Care & Education
Timothy WalshProfessor of Critical Care | Director of Innovation for NHS Lothian, and Health Innovation South East Scotland
Haoxiang WangHonorary Fellow
Emma WardTrial Manager
Lin WatsonTeaching Fellow
Alison WebbStudent Adviser
Fiona WeeTrial Manager
Christopher WeirProfessor of Medical Statistics and Clinical Trials
David WellerJames Mackenzie Professor of General Practice | Programme Co-Director (Master of Family Medicine) | Co-Head of Centre for Population Health Sciences
Christopher WhiteData Manager - Digitally Enabled Trials
Rebecca WhitehornResearch Administrator
Sarah WildProfessor of Epidemiology
Linda WilliamsSenior Research Fellow in Medical Statistics
Adele WilloughbyProgramme Administrator
Jim WilsonProfessor of Human Genetics
John WilsonTeaching Fellow
Kevin WingLecturer In Epidemiology
Professor Rachael WoodConsultant in Public Health Medicine, Honorary Professor of Maternal and Child Public Health
Mark WoolhouseProfessor of Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Honghan WuVisiting researcher
Han XiaoData Manager
Ingrid YoungSenior Lecturer
Yue ZhangResearch Fellow
