All academic, research and professional services staff from across the Usher Institute. General enquiry?If you are making a general enquiry to the Usher Institute, or wish to contact our senior leadership team, please refer to our contact us page.Contact the Usher InstituteCentre staff listsInterested in our sub-units? View staff lists split by primary Centre/Unit affiliation:Global Health - staff listMedical Informatics - staff listPopulation Health Sciences - staff listBiomedicine, Self and Society - staff list managed on separate website (note the staff list includes members of the Biomedicine, Self and Society team from across The University of Edinburgh in addition to Usher Institute staff)Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit - staff list managed on separate websiteWe also have staff based in our Teaching Organisation, in teams working within our Health and Social Care Data-Driven Innovation Programme, and our Core Professional Services teams (see our Contact us page)Full Usher Institute staff list NameRoleLuciana D'AdderioChancellor's FellowMichael AbbottResearch Fellow in Health EconomicsShima AbdullateefPostdoctoral Research FellowPurva AbhyankarResearch Fellow (PURE)Marta AdamczykAssistant Trial ManagerImad AdamestamClinical Trial StatisticianLorraine AdamsonClinical Trials AdministratorTahira AkbarService ManagerNaseerah AkoojiStatisticianViraj AlawaData ManagerFatima AlmaghrabiPostdoctoral Research FellowLynn AndersonCentre Administrator, Centre for Population Health Sciences | Personal Assistant to Professor David WellerNiall AndersonSenior Lecturer of Medical StatisticsSam AndresResearch AnnotatorStella ArakelyanResearch FellowLiliana Arias UrueñaResearch FellowCatherine ArkwrightTrial Management Support OfficerRuth ArmstrongData ManagerCalum ArthurSenior Lecturer in Surgical PerformanceThulani AshcroftTeaching Fellow, UNCOVER Project ManagerSophie AthertonResearch FellowKatie AtkinsChancellor's Fellow & ReaderKarolina BajbuzProgramme AdministratorJean BalchinCommunication and Engagement OfficerDominique BalharryGlobal Respiratory Health Research ManagerKasia BanasUndergraduate Talent Lead and Programme Director | Co-Director of Students for Deanery of Molecular Genetic and Population Health SciencesAilsa BarclayACRC AdministratorClaire BattisonTrial ManagerLinda BauldBruce and John Usher Professor of Public Health | Co-Head of Centre for Population Health SciencesSara BeaResearch FellowMiguel O. BernabeuProfessor of Computational MedicineWilliam BerthonBiostatistician / Epidemiologist / Health Data ScientistGayle BeveridgeTrial ManagerEmma BirleyResearch Assistant (UNCOVER)Lottie Bishop-HurmanData Analyst – Data Enabled Clinical TrialsJoanne Blair-GrayPersonal Assistant to the Director of the Usher InstituteBrittany BlankinshipLecturer in Data ScienceJenny BosPublic Engagement and Knowledge Exchange ManagerMatt BouamraneChancellor's FellowJulia BoydSenior Trial ManagerKirsty BoydReader in Palliative CareNicola BoydellLecturer in Social Science and Public HealthAmanda BradburnCommunications and Finance OfficerDr David P BreenSenior Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant NeurologistCorinna BremerOperations CoordinatorAnny BriolaClinical Trials StatisticianKate BrittonUsher Operations ManagerCathryn BroderickSystematic Review MethodologistDavid BuchananData ManagerSusan BuckinghamHead of Communications, Marketing and EngagementErin CadgerData AnalystJacqui CalderTrial AssistantClara CalvertChancellor's Fellow in Global ChallengesMalcolm CameronResearch AssistantChristine CampbellReaderDawn CampbellPersonal Assistant to Professor Tim Walsh | Administrative SecretaryHarry CampbellProfessor of Genetic Epidemiology and Public HealthKirsteen CampbellCommunications and Engagement Officer, UK LLCArlene CaseyResearch Fellow in Health Data ResearchAndrew CastleOpen Research AdministratorDawn CattanachGraphic designerDebbie CaversResearch FellowBran CervenakInstitute Facilities ManagerKit ChanChancellor's Fellow & ReaderSarah ChanReader/ Chancellor's FellowSam ChaseProgramme AdministratorStephanie CholbiAssistant Trial ManagerAmy ChongData AnalystNeil ClarkData AnalystGareth CleggSenior Clinical LecturerMia ClossResearch FellowJess ConwayCommunications and Engagement Officer (currently on secondment to Press Office)Lucy CourageProgramme AdministratorLauren CraigTrial ManagerShona CraikTrial Management Support OfficerDenise CranleyTrial ManagerGina CranswickSenior Trial Team ManagerTom CravenMSc Critical Care Programme Director (Clinical Senior Lecturer)Anna CrawfordPatient and Public Involvement and Engagement OfficerKathrin CresswellProfessor of Digital Innovations in Health and CareMatthew CullInterdisciplinary Research Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and SocietySarah Cunningham-BurleyProfessor of Medical and Family Sociology / Co-Head of Centre for Biomedicine, Self and SocietyGwenetta CurryReaderIwona CzerwinskaProgramme CoordinatorKenton D'MellowData Management & Programming Team LeadLuke DainesClinical Research FellowEllie Dawe BlackBR-UK AdministratorSofia De La Fuente GarciaResearch Fellow (Pilot Studies and Evaluation)Maria De LutzPostdoctoral Research FellowGiulia De TogniChancellor's FellowAfshan DeanSenior LecturerLisa DerrSenior Trial Manager - Start-up SpecialistLorna DewarTrial ManagerLynn DinsmoreTrial ManagerRachel DlugatchResearch Fellow (Qualitative)Fiona DobbieSenior Lecturer in Public HealthAnnemarie DochertyWellcome Clinical Research Career Development FellowshipEddie DonaghyResearch FellowKeith DouglasTeaching FellowDr Thomas Drake Andrew DuckworthSenior Clinical LecturerStuart DunbarEngagement ManagerAgata DunsmoreClinical TeacherKarolína DuškováGroup AdministratorHelen EborallSenior LecturerMorag EdwardsRESPIRE Operations CoordinatorSarah ElliotResearch AssistantJustin EngelmannMachine Learning Scientist in Fetal Medicine Data ScienceRomain EnjalbertResearch FellowHannah EnsorResearch FellowBuddhi ErabaddaResearch Fellow (Software Engineer / Machine Learning Scientist)Angelo EricaTeaching FellowChristine EvansProgramme Deputy Director, On Campus MPHMichelle EvansTalent Lead for Health & Social Care sector of the Data Driven Innovation (DDI) programme| Director of MSc Data Science for Health and Social CareShedrack EzuDataLoch Hub Data AnalystKaren FairhurstProfessor of Student Learning in Primary CareNusa FaricResearch FellowDavid FearonTeaching Fellow - Master of Family Medicine (online)Candida FentonInformation Specialist/Systematic Review Methodologist, Cochrane Vascular GroupGenevie FernandesResearch Fellow in Global Health Governance and RespiratoryRobin FlaigChief Operations Officer, Generation ScotlandKelly FleetwoodStatisticianMonica FletcherHonorary Research FellowKitty FlynnCommunications, Marketing and Engagement OfficerAndrea FordResearch Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and Society: Beyond DiseaseJoana FormosinhoInterdisciplinary Research Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and SocietyLaura ForsythTrial ManagerMavis FrempongLearning DesignerHelen FrostResearch Fellow (ACRC)Neil GallacherSenior LecturerLidis GarbovanResearch Fellow (Citizen Panel Lead)Jaime Garcia IglesiasChancellor's FellowLesley GardnerPersonal Assistant to Professor Sarah WildÉlaina Gauthier-MamarilInterdisciplinary Research Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and SocietySamuel GibbonResearch Fellow in Retinal ImagingJames GibsonLecturerAnnabel GiddingsAssistant Trial ManagerHolly GilmourTrial Management Support OfficerHannah GlasserCentre AdministratorPauline GoldingTeaching Fellow - MPH (online)Sarah GolightlyPostgraduate Research Support OfficerLaura Gonzalez RiendaPPI Research and Operations AssistantSu GoopyPGT Research ManagerMelita GordonAXA Chair of Vaccinology and Global HealthElvina GountounaData ManagerLiz GrantProfessor of Global Health and Development/ Director Global Health Academy / Assistant Principal Global Health / Programme Co-Director (MSc Global eHealth, Global Health Challenges, Master of Family Medicine)Paula GrieveResearch Finance & Business Support ManagerDavid GriffithReaderBruce GuthrieProfessor of General PracticeNynke HalbesmaProgramme Co-Director online MPH | Co-Director of Students for Deanery of Molecular Genetic and Population Health SciencesGregor HallACRC AdministratorVicky HammersleyIMP2ART Programme Manager / Research Fellow – Allergy and Respiratory Research GroupJeni HardenProfessor of Social Sciences in MedicineMaureen HardingAdministrative SecretaryStephanie HardleyTeaching FellowDavid HardmanResearch FellowRonnie HarkessSenior Software DeveloperEwen HarrisonProfessor of Surgery and Data Science, Head of Centre for Medical InformaticsKathy HarrisonDataloch Programme LeadMichelle HartDeputy Teaching Manager / Digital Education ManagerNiamh HartResearch Fellow (BR-UK)Ruth HartResearch FellowLouise HartleyProgramme Coordinator (ACRC)Sara HatamData ScientistLouise HatherallPostdoctoral Research FellowRaza HayatTrial Management Support OfficerEmily HealySenior Research AdministratorDavid HendersonQuantitative Research FellowAnna HeyeTrial ManagerSusan HinderResearch FellowDr Leonard HoVisiting Researcher (ACRC)Samuel HoareTeaching Fellow, Master of Public Health (online and on campus)Mike HolderAcademic Fellow in General PracticePrema HowardMarketing and Recruitment Lead Huayi HuangResearch Fellow (Qualitative)Colleen HubbardPartner Engagment and Marketing Lead - Health and Social Care Data Driven InnovationDaria IhnatenkoPatient and Public Involvement and Engagement Co-ordinator (Maternity Cover)Karen InnesSenior Trial Manager - start up specialistSian IrvineTrial ManagerJulie JackoChair of Health Informatics and Data Science and Interim Director, Usher InstituteCaroline JacksonChancellor's Fellow / Senior LecturerTracy JacksonSenior Research Fellow, Patient and Public Involvement LeadClaire JankowskaCommunications and Engagement OfficerMalihe JavidiResearch Fellow on Computer Vision in MedicineKaren JeffreyResearch FellowElli JohnstonAdministrative AssistantJohn JohnstonClinical Trials AdministratorCatriona KeerieAssistant Statistical Director (Commercial)Markéta KellerTeaching FellowBrian KellyMedical StatisticianSebastien KenmoeResearch FellowTitouan KennelClinical Trials StatisticianKatherine KentistouMRC Research FellowProfessor Tim KerbyVisiting LecturerSteven KerrChancellor's FellowEmma KinleyPPI Research FellowTheresa KirkpatrickProject CoordinatorFelicity KnightsTeaching FellowYoo Koung (Y.K.) KoData AnalystJudit KutiData AnalystMarie LarssonResearch Fellow (Qualitative)Julia LawtonProfessor of Health and Social ScienceChase LedinLecturer in Social Science and MedicineRobert LeeSenior StatisticianRebecca LeesResearch Finance AdministratorElizabeth LemmonLecturerHannah LepperResearch Fellow in Mathematical ModellingSharon LevyCPD Lead Data Driven Innovation Talent TeamKatherine LewisTrial Management Support OfficerSteff LewisProfessor of Medical StatisticsAi LimRESPIRE Programmes and Trial ManagerChun LinData AnalystChris LinsleyData ManagerRachel LochertyTrial ManagerNazir LoneProfessor of of Critical Care and EpidemiologyRachael LoweHDR UK Scotland Research Programme Coordinator | Content OfficerMark LucheriniTeaching FellowSaturnino LuzProfessor of Digital Biomarkers and Precision MedicineMathew LyonsSCREDS Clinical Lecturer in AnaesthesiaAlix MacdonaldTrial ManagerMargaret MacDougallMedical Statistician and Researcher in EducationLisa MacInnesLead Research NurseRob MackieCommunication Officer, ACRCMorag MacLeanSenior Trial ManagerCatherine MacLeodResearch FellowAlasdair MacLullichProfessor of Geriatric MedicineJulie MacMillanAdministration & HR CoordinatorClare MacRaeMRC Clinical Research Training FellowChristina MainkaLecturerSophie Marion de ProceStatistics Teaching FellowLaura MarshallEvents ManagerSancha MartinConsortium ManagerBruce MasonResearch FellowKate MassiePersonal Assistant to Professor Linda BauldMagdalena MazurczakFinance AdministratorSarah McCallumMPH (Full time) Operations CoordinatorHaruno McCartneyResearch AssistantLucy McCloughanProgramme Manager, Advanced Care Research CentreLynne McGillivrayECTU Business and Quality Assurance AdministratorPaul McKeigueProfessor of Genetic Epidemiology and Statistical GeneticsAoife MckennaResearch AssistantStela McLachlanResearch ManagerFranziska McManusTeaching AssistantRuth McQuillanCo-Lead UNCOVER (Usher Network for COVID Evidence Reviews), Programme Co-Director (Master of Integrated Global Health - online), ReaderEmilie McswigganTeaching Fellow - MPH Online; ACRC PhD StudentGillian MeadProfessor of Stroke and Elderly Care MedicineFelicity Vidya MehendaleSenior LecturerMagda MekkyTeaching Fellow (MPH online)Joe MellorInformatician (Machine Learning Specialist)Stewart MercerProfessor of Primary Care and MultimorbidityInes Mesa EguiagarayStatistical GeneticistPaula MikaResearch AdministratorLaura MillerFinance AssistantMartine MillerResearch FellowNicholas MillsBritish Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiology | Consultant Cardiologist | Lead for Data-Driven Innovation in Health and Social CareGarry MilneSoftware DeveloperLynsey MilneData ManagerAndrew MorrisProfessor of Medicine / Vice-Principal Data ScienceElaine MowatProgramme Manager, Leading Digital Transformation in Health and Care for Scotland (LDTS) ProgrammeVicky MoynihanResearch AssistantCharlotte MundenPostgraduate AdministratorJanice MurrayACRC Partnerships & Communications ManagerSarah MurrayCommunications and Engagement OfficerMatthew MurrellData AnalystHarish NairProfessor of Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Global Health, Co-Head of Centre for Global HealthAileen NeilsonSenior Health EconomistLouisa NewbiggingMarketing and Recruitment Lead (Maternity Cover)Matt NewlandsProgramme AdministratorLauren NgAcademic Fellow in General PracticeYen Culley NguyenInternal Periodic Review CoordinatorKristin NicodemusChancellor's Fellow / Senior LecturerAngela NivenProject Manager / Senior Research FellowErin NobleResearch AssistantJohn NorrieProfessor of Medical Statistics and Trial Methodology / Director of Edinburgh Clinical Trials UnitAmy NugentAssistant Trial ManagerAlicia Nunez-GarciaResearch FellowDerek O'SullivanDataLoch DeveloperKat OateyTrial ManagerDavid ObreeArchie Duncan Fellow in Medical Ethics and Fellow in Medical EducationPawel OrzechowskiLecturer in Programming for Data ScienceRichard Osei-YeboahResearch FellowClaudia PagliariSenior LecturerZoe PaigeCommunity Marketing LeadRichard ParkerSenior Research FellowSarah ParkinFinance AdministratorKarissa Robyn PattonInterdisciplinary Research Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and SocietyJames PayneResearch AdministratorMarian PeacockResearch Fellow (Qualitative)Rose PenfoldResearch Fellow: WellcomeDan Perez VicencioTeaching AssistantMartyn PickersgillProfessor of the Sociology of Science and MedicineHilary PinnockProfessor of Primary Care Respiratory MedicineIan PiperData AnalystRiinu Pius (Ots)Senior Data ManagerEvgeniya PlotnikovaLecturer in Public Health Research and EducationRoz PollockClinical Trial StatisticianKaren PonderAssistant Trial ManagerJennifer PorteousData AnalystRosemary PorteousODL Programme Administrator (Master of Public Health – online)Stephen PowellData Acquisition ManagerJackie PriceProfessor of Molecular EpidemiologyRegina PriggeMedical Statistician; Lecturer in EpidemiologyCarys PughACRC Quantitative analyst/StatisticianReshma RajagopalGP Clinical TeacherRobin RamsayClinical Programme DirectorDavid RankinResearch FellowPhillip RaysonAssistant Trial ManagerMairi RedmanIHDP PA/ AdministratorNatalia Reglinska-MatveyevResearch & Operations ManagerStella RhodeResearch AssistantJayne RichardsPersonal Assistant to Professor Bruce Guthrie and Professor Stewart MercerHannah RickmanAssistant Trial ManagerRoy RobertsonProfessor of Addiction MedicineColan RobinsonTeaching FellowAmy RodgerResearch Fellow (BR-UK)Aryelly RodriguezResearch FellowNeneh Rowa-DewarSenior Lecturer | Co-Director (MPH online) | Director of Quality DMGPHSAna Paula RubioRetinal Imaging Research AssociateOscar Rubio BarberFinance AssistantIgor RudanProfessor of International Health and Molecular Medicine, Co-Head of Centre for Global HealthBrenda SaettaUsher Institute SecretaryProfessor Rustam Al-Shahi SalmanProfessor of clinical neurologyMicol SalvettoResearch FellowMatt SandersTechnologist (C1) (PAO - IT)Stina SaundersPostdoc Data AnalystGillian ScottTrial ManagerStephanie ScottProject AdministratorBea SelbyTrial ManagerNayha SethiSenior LecturerRebecca SewellProgramme Administrator(Syed) Ahmar ShahChancellor's Fellow | Senior Research Fellow | Director of InnovationJenny SharmaPatient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Co-ordinatorClare SharpResearch Fellow (Qualitative), PaCCTKatie ShawSenior LecturerShane SheehanResearch FellowSir Aziz SheikhProfessor of Primary Care Research and DevelopmentSusan D ShenkinProfessor of Healthcare for Older People, Ageing and Health, University of Edinburgh | Honorary Consultant, NHS LothianTing ShiChancellor's FellowAnita ShuklaHR Administrative AssistantLorna SinclairTeaching FellowPamela SinclairECTU Business ManagerDominika SkrockaProject Coordinator / Senior Research Administrator (SALFS)Vivien SmithDirector of Professional Services, Molecular, Genetic and Population Health SciencesRoshini SooriyarachchiClinical Trials StatisticianKaren SooyResearch Development AdvisorSarah SpenceTeaching FellowAthina SpiliopoulouChancellor's FellowDevi SridharProfessor of Global Public HealthJean StaffordACRC FellowRachel StanleyHR Administrative AssistantTheresa IkegwuonuResearch FellowAnna OrmeConsortium Manager (SPECTRUM)Jacqueline StephenSenior StatisticianKelly StewartAssistant Trial ManagerLaura StewartLecturer (Clinical Trials Online)Marlene StewartManaging Editor Cochrane Peripheral Vascular Diseases Review GroupSarah StockProfessor of Maternal and Fetal HealthAndrew StoddartSenior Health EconomistFiona StrachanIHDP Chief Operating OfficerCatherine SudlowProfessor of Neurology and Clinical EpidemiologyYuhao SunTeaching Assistant / TutorJulia SwallowWellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow in Humanities and Social SciencesKieran SweeneyAcademic Fellow in General PracticeAneeta SylolypavanResearch FellowLinda TaitCentre AdministratorAgnes TelloSenior Research Development ManagerEvropi TheodoratouProfessor of Cancer Epidemiology and Global HealthLorna ThompsonCentre for Biomedicine, Self and Society Administrator / Personal Assistant to Professor Devi SridharAbbi ThomsonProgramme AdministratorEmma ThomsonHR AdminsitratorJoyce ThomsonECTU Chief Operating OfficerMathew ThorpeResearch AssistantHolly TibbleChancellor's FellowAmy TilbrookDataloch Information Governance FacilitatorKatherina ToberGP Clinical TeacherClaire TochelResearch Fellow (SCONE)Tricia ToomanACRC Research FellowSerena TricaricoHDR UK Scotland ManagerThanasis TsanasProfessor of Digital Health and Data Science / Director of Knowledge Exchange and Research ImpactSharon TuckSenior StatisticianElizabeth VargheseClinical Trials StatisticianChristy VaughanReceptionist / Administrative AssistantLaia Ventura GarciaUKRI Guarantee Postdoctoral FellowAmanda VettiniResearch FellowTony WackettData Management & Programming ArchitectJennifer WaddellTrial ManagerTracey Wagner-RizviResearch FellowDebbie WakeClinical Reader in Medical Informatics and Diabetes Care & EducationTimothy WalshProfessor of Critical Care | Director of Innovation for NHS Lothian, and Health Innovation South East ScotlandHaoxiang WangHonorary FellowEmma WardTrial ManagerLin WatsonTeaching FellowAlison WebbStudent AdviserFiona WeeTrial ManagerChristopher WeirProfessor of Medical Statistics and Clinical TrialsDavid WellerJames Mackenzie Professor of General Practice | Programme Co-Director (Master of Family Medicine) | Co-Head of Centre for Population Health SciencesChristopher WhiteData Manager - Digitally Enabled TrialsRebecca WhitehornResearch AdministratorSarah WildProfessor of EpidemiologyLinda WilliamsSenior Research Fellow in Medical StatisticsAdele WilloughbyProgramme AdministratorJim WilsonProfessor of Human GeneticsJohn WilsonTeaching FellowKevin WingLecturer In EpidemiologyProfessor Rachael WoodConsultant in Public Health Medicine, Honorary Professor of Maternal and Child Public HealthMark WoolhouseProfessor of Infectious Disease EpidemiologyHonghan WuVisiting researcherHan XiaoData ManagerIngrid YoungSenior LecturerYue ZhangResearch FellowShare This article was published on 2024-09-24