Leading the way in research, with newly funded initiatives. Image Usher staff are currently involved in over 200 research projects with our collaborators. Our funding is from over 60 different funders including UK and international research funders, governments, charities and companies. Our research spans multiple disciplines including, but not limited to, General Practise, Social Sciences, Public Health, Epidemiology, Global Health, Computer Science, Evaluation and Implementation Research, and Humanities.This year's wide range of funded research initiatives includes the following announcements:Individuals and groups from across Usher have combined forces with other institutions to form NESSIE (NIHR Evidence Synthesis Scotland InitiativE). The NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme will provide NESSIE with £2.5 million funding over a period of five years.Our Inflammation and Immunity programme, co-led by our Director, Professor Sir Aziz Sheikh, secured significant HDR-UK funding, advancing our comprehension of respiratory and allergic diseases.UKRI's Economic and Social Research Council awarded £10 million to support a Behavioural Research Hub (BR-UK) co-led by Professor Linda Bauld, Bruce and John Usher Chair of Public Health.More informationNew NIHR Evidence Synthesis Group launchedInflammation and Immunity Driver ProgrammeHDR UK announces five strategic research driver programmesNew £10 million hub for behavioural researchUsher Institute — University of Edinburgh Research ExplorerThe difference we make Publication date 20 Nov, 2023