Severe mental illness and physical disease People with severe mental illness have a shorter life expectancy than the general population, largely due to a greater burden of physical disease and in particular cardiovascular disease. Severe mental illness is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and sub-optimal receipt of cardiovascular care. We will discuss progress in this space, gaps and challenges, and opportunities for further advancement. The programme comprises short presentations from invited speakers followed by reflections from invited panellists and an open discussion. A key focus of panel discussion will be how to further advance the collection and linkage of mental health data across the UK to catalyse research on mental health in relation to physical disease. Speakers include: Dr Caroline Jackson (Epidemiologist and senior lecturer, Usher Institute) – Welcome and overview Dr Naomi Launders (Research fellow, UCL) – HDRUK DataMind project: cardiovascular risk factor screening in people with severe mental illness Ms Stine Scheuer (Steno Diabetes Centre, Copenhagen) and Ms Jonne ter Braake (Leiden University) – Cardiovascular risk factor monitoring and management in people with diabetes and severe mental illness in Scotland Ms Kelly Fleetwood (Statistician, Usher Institute) – Severe mental illness and receipt of acute cardiac care Mr Cam Lugton (Mental Health Intelligence Network, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, UK Government) Other contributors include representatives from HDRUK; Scottish Government; KCL; third sector mental health charities; and people with lived experience. Hosted by researchers at Usher Institute, The University of Edinburgh, with contributions from DataMind (Health Data Research Hub for Mental Health). Feb 29 2024 10.00 - 13.00 Severe mental illness and physical disease Open to everyone - a free online conference featuring researchers working on projects relating to severe mental illness and receipt of cardiovascular care; public health and government representatives; and people with lived experience. Online Registration
Severe mental illness and physical disease People with severe mental illness have a shorter life expectancy than the general population, largely due to a greater burden of physical disease and in particular cardiovascular disease. Severe mental illness is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and sub-optimal receipt of cardiovascular care. We will discuss progress in this space, gaps and challenges, and opportunities for further advancement. The programme comprises short presentations from invited speakers followed by reflections from invited panellists and an open discussion. A key focus of panel discussion will be how to further advance the collection and linkage of mental health data across the UK to catalyse research on mental health in relation to physical disease. Speakers include: Dr Caroline Jackson (Epidemiologist and senior lecturer, Usher Institute) – Welcome and overview Dr Naomi Launders (Research fellow, UCL) – HDRUK DataMind project: cardiovascular risk factor screening in people with severe mental illness Ms Stine Scheuer (Steno Diabetes Centre, Copenhagen) and Ms Jonne ter Braake (Leiden University) – Cardiovascular risk factor monitoring and management in people with diabetes and severe mental illness in Scotland Ms Kelly Fleetwood (Statistician, Usher Institute) – Severe mental illness and receipt of acute cardiac care Mr Cam Lugton (Mental Health Intelligence Network, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities, UK Government) Other contributors include representatives from HDRUK; Scottish Government; KCL; third sector mental health charities; and people with lived experience. Hosted by researchers at Usher Institute, The University of Edinburgh, with contributions from DataMind (Health Data Research Hub for Mental Health). Feb 29 2024 10.00 - 13.00 Severe mental illness and physical disease Open to everyone - a free online conference featuring researchers working on projects relating to severe mental illness and receipt of cardiovascular care; public health and government representatives; and people with lived experience. Online Registration
Feb 29 2024 10.00 - 13.00 Severe mental illness and physical disease Open to everyone - a free online conference featuring researchers working on projects relating to severe mental illness and receipt of cardiovascular care; public health and government representatives; and people with lived experience.