We are delighted that Professors Linda Bauld and Liz Grant have been elected as Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Professors Linda Bauld and Liz Grant of the Usher Institute are among 13 members of staff across the University of Edinburgh who have been recognised in the Royal Society of Edinburgh's 2019 intake of Fellows. Image The University is represented by experts from the fields of law, global health, fire safety, psychiatry, public health policy, medicine, informatics and climate change. The new Fellows will be inducted in May. Historic institution The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) is an educational charity that operates on an independent and non-party-political basis and provides public benefit throughout Scotland. It was established in 1783 and draws upon the strengths and expertise of its Fellows. There are currently around 1600 Fellows, based in Scotland, the UK and beyond. Worldwide impact Professor Elizabeth Grant is named as a Fellow as a result of her work into global health. She is Assistant Principal, Professor of Global Health and Development and Director of the University’s Global Health Academy. Health in society Professor Linda Bauld has been named an RSE Fellow for her work in public health policy, including studies on drug and alcohol use, inequalities in health, obesity and tobacco control. She is the Bruce and John Usher Chair in Public Health and CRUK/BUPA Chair in Behavioural Research for Cancer Prevention for Cancer Research UK. The calibre of our Fellows never ceases to amaze me and this year is no different. For such a small country we surpass ourselves with the talent and expertise that exists across our academic, cultural and business landscape. All of our Fellows are assets, not just to the RSE but to Scotland and the rest of the world, and I look forward to welcoming and working with them. Professor Dame Anne GloverPresident of the RSE Related links Royal Society of Edinburgh University of Edinburgh news Publication date 04 Mar, 2019