An Artificial Intelligence-powered dashboard for tracking Covid-19-related public sentiment and opinion mining in social media platforms will be set up by a joint project between Professor Amir Hussain from the Edinburgh Napier University's School of Computing and Professor Aziz Sheikh of the Usher Institute. Evolving trends The dashboard will help policymakers, public health and clinical practitioners by enabling continuous monitoring, prediction and visualisation of evolving trends on social media and attitudes towards issues like social distancing, travel restrictions and lockdown. Supporting decision-making, developing interventions The aim is to boost understanding of the direct and indirect impacts of the pandemic on public health and wellbeing, and to support decision makers by informing the development of appropriate interventions. The team was awarded £135,104 by the Rapid Research in Covid-19 programme (RARC-19 programme) of the Chief Scientist Office, Scotland. Related links Edinburgh Napier University news Publication date 02 May, 2020