We were delighted to host Dr Fiona Godlee for this year's Usher Institute Annual Lecture. Thanks to everyone who joined us in person and online to enjoy this year's wonderful lecture, Centre for Population Health Sciences showcase and Usher Institute showcase display. Image Keynote lecture Dr Fiona Godlee Medical doctor, writer and campaigner, former editor-in-chief of the British Medical Journal Title Why the climate crisis is a health crisis…and what we can do about it Abstract The world is heating up, and scientists estimate that, unless we can rapidly reduce carbon emissions, we are only 10-15 years from tipping into catastrophic climate change. Our health is already being directly damaged by air pollution from burning fossil fuels, and global heating is threatening our health and lives due to damaging climatic, environmental, economic, social and geopolitical instability. It is up to each and all of us to respond to this current and present threat to our own health and our children’s future. It’s going to be a huge challenge but there is much that we can and must do. In this lecture, Dr Fiona Godlee will share the climate science and the threats to health, and explore the actions we can all take to respond to this climate and health crisis. Event website Have another look at the posters that were on display, see our photo gallery and watch the full recording. Visit the event website to watch again online Publication date 15 Nov, 2022