
A summary of key news from Usher.

News listing

Publication date

Covid-19’s effect on rural lives to be measured

02 November, 2020

How Covid-19 has affected people living in rural communities in Scotland is to be captured in a new…

COVID-19 immunity research boosted by data platform

02 November, 2020

Members of BREATHE – the Health Data Research Hub for Respiratory Health have joined forces with…

OBE Honour for Professor Cathie Sudlow

02 November, 2020

Congratulations to Professor Cathie Sudlow.

Multiple measures boost Covid fight, study finds

02 November, 2020

Public health restrictions put in place to curb the spread of coronavirus are ranked for their…

New study highlights disruptive impact of pandemic on non-COVID NHS care in Scotland

06 October, 2020

A new study highlights significant drops in A&E attendances, and emergency and planned hospital…

Covid-19 risk tool helps guide treatment

06 October, 2020

People who are admitted to hospital with Covid-19 can be divided into four distinct groups,…

DataLoch heralds new data-driven era in healthcare innovation

06 October, 2020

A new data repository has been created to bring together health and social care data for the first…

New global collaborative to enable secure COVID-19 data research at scale

26 June, 2020

The COVID-19 Therapeutics Accelerator has announced a grant to Health Data Research UK to establish…

Salt water solution could treat COVID-19 symptoms

25 June, 2020

A study involving a simple salt water solution which may help to reduce the early symptoms and…